
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenqianwq
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从建国以来迄今40年的历史来看,我国的法制建设没有得到正常的发展,原因是很复杂的,有深刻的社会根源和历史根源,但与我国各级干部的法制水平低,缺乏法律意识和不重视法制有着极大的关系。“文化大革命”十年浩劫就是一个极为惨痛的教训。当然,这十几年来应该说,我们的各级领导干部的法治意识有了很大程度的提高,但与法制建设的现实要求相距甚远,仍然有相当一部分领导干部法治意识淡薄,轻视法制。他们的掌权和用权意识较强,而作为民主政治核心的责任意识,如对人民负责,承担政治和法律责任的意识很弱,以至于“以权代法”、“以言代法”、“以权压法”甚至破坏法制的现象都十分严重。这 From the history of the past 40 years since the founding of our People’s Republic, the legal construction of our country has not been developing normally because of its complicated and profound social roots and historical roots. However, due to the low level of legal system and lack of legal awareness among cadres at all levels in our country, And do not attach importance to the rule of law has a great relationship. The “Cultural Revolution” Ten Years Holocaust is an extremely painful lesson. Of course, these 10 years should be said that the awareness of the rule of law in our leading cadres at all levels has been greatly improved, but far from the realistic demand for the construction of a legal system, a considerable number of leading cadres still have a weak sense of the rule of law and they despise the legal system. Their sense of power and the right to use are strong, and their awareness of responsibility as the core of democracy, such as being responsible to the people and assuming political and legal responsibilities, is so weak that “using the law on behalf of power, The phenomenon of ”undermines the law" even undermines the legal system is very serious. This
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