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这封向丁峤同志请假的信,在会上引起不同的反响。这自然也是我所希望的。三十年来,一条痛苦的经验,就是“舆论一律”。倡言者于是俨然而又俨然,直至听不得一点点不同的意见!结果是于党、于国、于民、于武、于文都没有好处。年来每有所思,而由于多年脱离电影工作实践,兼之不学,便很难深入下去。此中苦况,恐是一些搞创作的同志难于体会的。我的朋友凌子风同志参加了这个会之后对我说:“你提出‘离婚’,又说的那么简单,不能多写几个字吗?”这次借《电影通讯》刊载的机会,便多写了几个字。为了保持原信的面貌,把多写的字放进了方括号里,以示区别。除“离婚”外,还有“靡靡之音”。杨延晋同志见我时说:“这个问题我不鼓掌。”但那是会议刚开完的四月六日,今天是四月二十八日,形势发展很快,他是否还坚持原来的看法?我在信中称之为“靡”的,更多是属于睡眼朦胧般的唱法问题,它可以是一种唱法,但不能成风。我以为要“顶住”的,正是这股“风”!四月二十八日 This letter of leave to Comrade Ding Bing aroused a different response at the meeting. This is naturally what I hope for. Thirty years ago, a painful experience is that “public opinion is uniform.” The advocates are just as if they were listening to a little bit of different opinions. The result is that the party, the state, the people, the military, and the military are not good at all. Every thought for years, and because of many years out of the movie work practice, and do not learn, it is difficult to go further. The bitterness here is probably something that some comrades engaged in creation find it hard to come by. After my friend Ling Zifeng commented on this meeting, he said to me: “You asked for divorce, and then you said that you can not write a few more words?” This opportunity to be published in Motion Picture Communication A few words. In order to maintain the original letter of the face, put more words into square brackets to show the difference. In addition to “divorce”, there are “extravagant sound.” Comrade Yang Yanjin said when he met with me: “I do not applaud this issue.” But that was just April 6, when the meeting was just over. Today is April 28, and the situation is developing rapidly. Does he still uphold the original view? I call it “extravagant” in the letter, and more belongs to the misty sleepy singing style. It can be a singing style, but it can not be a style. It is this “wind” that I thought I should “withstand”! April 28
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