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经贸汉语综合课在汉语言经贸方向课程体系中居于核心地位,其内容包括普通汉语知识、经贸专业汉语知识和经贸专业知识,而经贸专业汉语和经贸专业知识为经贸汉语综合课的经贸知识,它是经贸汉语综合课价值和特色的体现,它决定着经贸汉语综合课教学成败与否。本文在探讨经贸汉语综合课教学对象、课程目标的基础上,对经贸汉语综合课教材编写及教学过程中经贸知识的选取提出了几项原则,以保证经贸汉语综合课的教学得以有效开展。 The course of Business Chinese as a whole is at the core of the course system of Chinese economy and trade. The course includes general Chinese knowledge, professional Chinese knowledge of economy and trade, and trade and economic professional knowledge. The professional knowledge of business and trade in economics and trade is the economic and trade knowledge of the comprehensive course of economy and trade. It is a manifestation of the value and characteristics of the integrated course of business economics and trade, which determines the success or failure of teaching Chinese as a whole. On the basis of discussing the teaching objects and course objectives of the comprehensive course of economy and trade, this article puts forward several principles for the compilation of the teaching materials of the integrated course of economy and trade and the selection of the economic and trade knowledge in the course of teaching so as to ensure the effective teaching of the integrated course of economy and trade.
森林是地球上结构最复杂、功能最多和最稳定的陆地生态系统。保护森林对生态环境有着至关重要的作用。 Forests are the most complex, functional and stable terrestrial
在研究岩溶水系统及岩溶水赋存条件、运动特征的基础上 ,对平凉市灰岩岩溶地下水的富水规律进行了探讨 ,对今后在该区进行岩溶水勘查有一定的指导意义。 Based on the study
[Objective] The paper was to understand allelopathy of gaseous volatiles of Eupatorium adenophorum stems and leaves on seed germination and seedling growth of P
一趟多层找水管柱主要是应用一套具有可多次定时开启、关闭功能的井下智能开关装置,配合多级封隔器,一次作业下井,可以实现对多个层位进行找水、测试的目的。 A trip to the
2008年,RED One和佳能5D Markll两款采用大尺寸成像器件、可换镜头设计的动态拍摄设备上市,开启了影视节目制作的一个新时代。  七年后的今天,无论是索尼、Panasonic、佳能、JVC这些以传统小尺寸成像器件摄像机制造见长的日系厂商,还是传统胶片摄影机厂商ARRI,抑或数字时代新贵RED、Blackmagic Design、AJA,都推出了Super35mm规格及更大尺寸成像器件的