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“老字号”不仅代表了一种传统文化,而且更代表了一种长期坚守的诚信品质和品牌意识,对当前市场经济的发展具有示范和推动作用。但目前我国对“老字号”的保护却欠缺法律规定,特别是“老字号”与商标发生冲突时如何处理,尚未形成可供司法统一适用的规则。笔者认为,“老字号”根据在先规则应优先予以保护,但如果“老字号”具有地域限制,则“老字号”的保护也应当受地域限制,不能一概的将“老字号”注册为商标的行为均认定为侵害“老字号”的专有权。 “Old name ” not only represents a kind of traditional culture, but also represents a long-term adherence to the integrity and brand awareness, the development of the current market economy has a model and promote the role. However, at present, our country lacks of legal provisions for the protection of “old name ”, especially how to deal with the conflict between “old name ” and trademark, and has not yet formed the rules that can be applied uniformly to the judiciary. The author believes that “old name ” should give priority to be protected according to the earlier rules, but if “old name ” has geographical restrictions, “old name ” protection should also be subject to geographical restrictions, can not be generalized “old name ”Registration as a trademark is considered infringement of“ old name ”exclusive right.
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Hello!This is rabbit.  Spring is coming. I want to plant some flowers in the garden.
风信子的味道飘散又聚起,然后又飘散……是一种淡淡的,需要静心才能够闻到的气味。又是春天了。指尖探向天空,感觉有草叶飞扬,那时候,手好小,我也好小,天空好大…… The sme
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春天是花的季节,也是阳光的季节。向日葵既有花的芳香,又有阳光的味道。现在就让我们用常见的纽扣和毛线来做一朵永远面向太阳的花朵吧。 Spring is the season of flowers