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目的观察血清miR-29c和miR-720表达在脑胶质瘤患者检测中的意义及其对预后的影响。方法选择术后病理证实为脑胶质瘤患者95例为脑胶质瘤组,35例健康体检者为对照组。用q RT-PCR的方法检测各组血清miR-29c和miR-720表达,观察脑胶质瘤组和健康对照组的miR-29c和miR-720表达水平变化,并观察脑胶质瘤患者血清miR-29c和miR-720表达水平与年龄,性别,肿瘤直径,病理类型,肿瘤分化程度,KPS评分和肿瘤部位的关系,手术前后miR-29c和miR-720表达水平的变化,及其高表达miR-29c和miR-720水平对1年生存率的影响。结果脑胶质瘤组患者血清miR-29c相对表达明显低于健康对照组(t=8.634,P<0.01),手术后脑胶质瘤患者血清miR-29c表达量明显较治疗前升高(t=9.448,P<0.01);而miR-720脑胶质瘤的相对表达量明显高于对照组(t=14.035,P<0.01),手术后患者的miR-720表达水平明显较治疗前明显降低(t=13.462,P<0.01)。脑胶质瘤患者血清miR-29c表达水平随着肿瘤分化程度升高而升高(P<0.01),血清miR-720相对表达水平随着肿瘤分化程度升高而降低(P<0.01)。血清miR-29c和miR-720相对表达水平与年龄,性别,肿瘤直径,病理类型,KPS评分和肿瘤部位无明显相关性(P>0.05)。血清miR-29c高表达为42例,其1年生存率为95.24%(40/42),低表达组53例,其1年生存率为77.36%(41/53),高表达组明显高于低表达组(χ2=4.623,P<0.05)。而血清miR-720高表达组51例,其1年生存率为76.47%(39/51),低表达组44例,其1年生存率为95.45%(42/44)例,高表达组明显低于低表达组(χ2=5.348,P<0.05)。结论血清联合检测miR-29c和miR-720表达在脑胶质瘤诊断和预后判断具有重要价值,可作为一种诊断和病情评估的重要指标。 Objective To observe the significance of serum miR-29c and miR-720 in the detection of glioma patients and their prognostic significance. Methods Ninety-five patients with glioma confirmed by pathology were selected as glioma group and 35 healthy subjects as control group. The expression of miR-29c and miR-720 in each group were detected by q RT-PCR, and the expression of miR-29c and miR-720 in glioma group and healthy control group were observed. The relationship between miR-29c and miR-720 expression level and age, sex, tumor diameter, pathological type, tumor differentiation, KPS score and tumor location, the expression of miR-29c and miR-720 before and after surgery, Effect of miR-29c and miR-720 Levels on 1-year Survival Rates. Results The relative expression of miR-29c in glioma group was significantly lower than that in healthy control group (t = 8.634, P <0.01). The expression of miR-29c in glioma patients after operation was significantly higher than that before treatment (t = 9.448, P <0.01). The relative expression of miR-720 glioma was significantly higher than that of the control group (t = 14.035, P <0.01). The expression of miR- t = 13.462, P <0.01). The level of miR-29c in glioma patients increased with the degree of tumor differentiation (P <0.01). The relative expression level of miR-720 decreased with the degree of tumor differentiation (P <0.01). Serum levels of miR-29c and miR-720 had no significant correlation with age, sex, tumor diameter, pathological type, KPS score and tumor location (P> 0.05). Serum miR-29c overexpression was 42 cases, the 1-year survival rate was 95.24% (40/42), low expression group 53 cases, the 1-year survival rate was 77.36% (41/53), the high expression group was significantly higher than Low expression group (χ2 = 4.623, P <0.05). However, 51 patients with high expression of miR-720 had a one-year survival rate of 76.47% (39/51) and a low survival rate of 44.4% (95.45%, 42/44) in the high-expression group Lower than the low expression group (χ2 = 5.348, P <0.05). Conclusion Serum combined detection of miR-29c and miR-720 expression is of great value in the diagnosis and prognosis of gliomas, which can be used as an important index in the diagnosis and assessment of disease.
目的探讨核苷(酸)类似物(NUCs)治疗慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)停药后复发与停药时血清HBs Ag的量、HBVDNA水平的相关性。方法选取205例2010年1月至2014年6月在济宁市传染病医院门诊给
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目的 对我国大陆地区首例懒惰狡诈球菌临床感染病例进行描述,并对分离的细菌进行病原学和耐药性分析,同时结合文献资料描述懒惰狡诈球菌引起病例的情况.方法 查询该病例的临
1 宝斯卡“杀菌剂”“防霉剂”rn由于水质、废液循环次数、加工环境、加工设备等因素,细菌、霉菌等微生物不可避免地会在废液及裸皮上滋生与繁殖.随着这一过程的不断发生,废