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中国古代漆器不仅光辉灿烂,源远流长,而且是世界漆器的发源地。大约在距今六七千年以前,在浙江余姚河姆渡遗址发现了漆碗、筒形器等一批漆器①。在距今5000年左右,在长江中下游的湖北、江苏、浙江地区与黄河中流地区,都发现了不少漆器②。经过夏商周近3000年的缓慢发展,至战国时期,漆器出现了第一次突飞猛进的大发展③,其品种与数量剧增,制作工艺也有较大的发展,器皿造型与花纹图案优美,产品广泛地运用于社会生活的各个方面,漆器成为一个独立的手工业部门。秦汉时期,是中国古代漆器发展史上的繁荣时期,在各方面都有新的发展,并逐渐取代了青铜器。 Ancient Chinese lacquer is not only brilliant, long history, but also the birthplace of the world lacquer. About a lapse of six or seven years ago, a number of lacquer wares such as lacquer bowls and cartridges were found in Hemudu Site, Yuyao, Zhejiang Province. In about 5,000 years ago, many lacquer wares were found in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the middle reaches of the Yellow River. After the slow development of Xia and Shang Dynasties in nearly 3,000 years, during the Warring States Period, the lacquer ware developed for the first time by leaps and bounds. The variety and quantity of lacquer ware increased sharply, and the production process also had a great development. The shape and pattern of the wares were beautiful, Widely used in all aspects of social life, lacquer ware becomes an independent handicraft department. During the Qin and Han dynasties, it was a prosperous period in the history of the development of ancient Chinese lacquerware, with new developments in all aspects and the gradual replacement of bronzes.
画像石是汉代一门以石为底,以刀代笔的独特的艺术形式。南阳汉代画像石以其疏朗,简括的艺术风格而被广泛认识,具有极高的审美价值和研究价值。 Portrait stone is a stone-b
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