1995年11月,位于祖国版图雄鸡冠上的恩和哈达森警大队被团中央授予“全国青年文明号先进团总支”称号.一年过去了,恩和哈达森警大队52名团员青年在大队党委领导下,用心血和汗水再铸辉煌,先后荣获林业部、内蒙古直属机关工委、呼盟团委、大兴安岭森警支队等单位授予的“祖国北极,森林卫士”、“森林防火先进集体”、“基层建设先进大队”等十多个光荣称号.为了保持荣誉,大队团总支决定组织全体团员青年开展“争先创优保牌”活动,结合实际情况制定了相应的措施和考评办法,并召开了团员青年誓师大会,发出了“为保持‘全国青年文明号先进团总支’光荣称号而努力奋斗” 的倡议书.1995年,团员青年参加大队组织的实战模拟演练“12次、一野外拉练23次,拉练总程计300公里,开展条令条
In November 1995, the Ngun Hada Sen Police Brigade, crowned with the rooster of the motherland’s territory, was awarded the title of “National Youth Civilization Advanced Branch General Branch” by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. One year later, 52 members of the Nghe Hada Sen Police Brigade Under the leadership of the brigade party committees, with painstaking efforts and sweat, they have re-cast their glory and successively won honorary titles such as “Arctic Pole and Forest Guardians” and “Advanced Forest Fire Prevention Collectives” awarded by the Ministry of Forestry, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Work Committee, , “Grassroots construction advanced brigade” more than ten glorious title.In order to maintain the honor, the brigade mission decided to organize all members of the youth to carry out “striving for excellence”, according to the actual situation of the corresponding measures and evaluation methods and Held a member of the youth swearing-in assembly, issued a “to maintain the title of” National Youth Civilization No. advanced group branch ’and work hard. “In 1995, members of the youth team to participate in combat simulation exercises” 12 times, a field Pull training 23 times, zipper training total mileage of 300 km, to carry out the Ordinance