
来源 :广后医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stone88822
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患者男性,62岁,干部。因胸闷一年余,睡眠不好七个月于1987年1月19日入院,检查确诊为冠心病。经静滴低分子右旋糖酐,口服消心痛、心痛定等药物治疗,症状明显改善,心电图基本恢复正常。2月8日上午首次用 ATP 20mg 加入低分子右旋糖酐250ml 中静滴,每分钟30滴,当滴入约80ml 左右时,患者感胸闷、呼吸困难,不能平卧,随之大汗淋漓,剧烈咳嗽,咳出大量粉 Male patient, 62 years old, cadre. More than one year due to chest tightness, poor sleep seven months on January 19, 1987 admitted to check the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. After intravenous infusion of low molecular weight dextran, oral anti-heartache, nifedipine and other drug treatment, the symptoms were significantly improved and the ECG returned to normal. On the morning of February 8, 20ml of dextran with low molecular weight dextran was added for the first time in the morning of February 8, with 30 drops per minute. When about 80ml was dripped, the patient felt chest tightness, difficulty breathing, unable to lie down, followed by sweating and severe cough , Cough up a lot of powder
In China,the annual output of cars is reaching 10 million,the car export grows by 35%annually, and the ownership of cars will hit 50-100 million units within a
本文对急性肾炎64例、肾病综合征11例及良性血尿5例进行了血清补体C_3、免疫复合物、免疫球蛋白、E玫瑰花结形成试验及乙型肝炎表面抗原的检测,并讨论其临床意义。 1.补体C_
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MAN的重卡设计理念,无论是发动机、变速器,还是ESP、ABS电子系统,是中央仪表盘、多功能方向盘,甚至座椅、卧铺,无一不以更高的安全性为出发点 MAN’s heavy truck design co
提到法拉利F430可能很多中国消费者都比较熟悉,因为其性价比高所以受到很多车迷的青睐,不过法拉利为了进一步增强自己在跑车领域的竞争力,又推出了F430的继任者——458 Itali
The structural,electronic and optical properties of KNbO 3 (KN),NaNbO3(NN)and K05 Na0.5NbO3(KNN) in paraelectric cubic phase were calculated employing the plane
前脑垂体机能减退症并发糖尿病,临床十分罕见,现将我院所见一例报道如下: 患者,女,44岁,因闭经11年,多饮、多尿、多食、消瘦10年,怕冷、毛发脱落6年于1986年10月入院。患者