
来源 :人民长江 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolfish150
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一、确保荆江大堤的重大意义荆江区西自枝江、东抵域陵矶、南接洞庭湖区,北隣荆江区;长江干流曲折流经该区,这段长江号称荆江,全长423公里,藕池口以上称上荆江,以下称下荆江,河道湾曲,下荆江尤甚,号称“九曲回肠”,南岸有松滋、太平、藕池、调弦四口分流入洞庭湖,北岸古有九穴十三口分流均先后堵塞,该区河槽泄量极不平衡,上荆江洪水来量曾达10余万秒公方,沙市段安全泄量45,000秒公方与松滋、太平两口合计约57,000秒公方。下荆江监利段安全泄量约30,000秒公方,严重地受城陵矶水位影响。沙市附 First, to ensure the great significance of the Jingjiang levee Jingjiang District west from the river, east arrived Lingling, south Dongting Lake area, north of Jingjiang District; the Yangtze River trunk twists and turns through the area, this section of the Yangtze River called Jingjiang, a total length of 423 km, The above Ouchi Ikean said Jingjiang, the following under the Jingjiang River Bay song, particularly under the Jingjiang, known as the “nine ileum”, the South Bank Songzi, peace, lotus pond, tune the four split into the Dongting Lake, North Shore ancient nine points Thirteen cross-flow diversion have been blocked, the discharge volume of the river channel is extremely unbalanced, the amount of flood on the Jingjiang River had reached more than 10 million public square, sand section safety relief 45,000 seconds public and Songzi, Taiping two total about 57,000 seconds The public square. Under Jingjiang section of Lijiang safety relief about 30,000 seconds public square, severely affected by the water level in Chenglingji. Shashi attached
采用电子自旋共振 (ESR)测年法 ,对元谋县竹棚豹子洞箐 (86 0 3)和小河蝴蝶梁子 (870 4 )两个古猿遗址的化石进行了测定。用铀线性吸收模式计算测定的化石年龄为 3 2 5Ma ,年
Until recently main attention was given to the quality methods of the earthquakeprediction.“Anomalies”were selected,which were then connected with known seism
目的观察CIK(cytokine induced killer)细胞对S180和H-22荷瘤鼠的抑制肿瘤作用。方法建立S180和H-22荷瘤鼠动物模型,静脉输入CIK细胞做抗肿瘤治疗,同时设LAK对照,用同位素法