近年来,护士戴手套做操作的人数日渐增多,是既保护护士自己也是预防病人交叉感染的措施之一。尤其在 ICU,因需要进行各种侵入性操作,而危重病人更易感染,所以 ICU 预防感染更应引起特别注意。随着人们对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和肝炎病毒感染愈来愈重视,其发病率和死亡率的增高更清楚地使人们认识到病人和医院工作人员交叉感染的危险性。但是有关戴手套操作的保护作用却没有一致意见。某些人认为戴手套在某种情况下可代替洗手;但另一些人则强调戴手套和洗手同样重要。
In recent years, the increasing number of nurses wearing gloves has been one of the measures to protect both the nurses themselves and the prevention of cross-infection among patients. Especially in the ICU, special precautions should be taken to prevent infection in the ICU due to the need for various invasive procedures and the critically ill patients to become more susceptible. As people become more preoccupied with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis virus infection, their morbidity and mortality increase more clearly the danger of cross-infection between patients and hospital staff. However, there is no consensus on the protective effect of wearing gloves. Some people think that wearing gloves can replace hand washing in some cases; others emphasize the importance of wearing gloves and hand washing.