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一、水力机械的暂态工况和圆特性水力机械参数的改变对水电站和抽水蓄能电站的过渡过程有很大影响,这些水力机械参数有:决定压力管道水锤的流量;确定甩负荷时机组转速差的转轮力矩;并入电力系统运行时有功功率改变的速动性以及水轮机和水泵工况的机组起动时间。另一些参数也是重要的:转轮的轴向力;流道中不同地点的压力以及转轮桨叶和导叶上的作用力。众所周知,上述的水轮机参数取决于水轮机的工况,即水轮机的运动学的条件,它可写 First, the transient performance of hydraulic machinery and circular characteristics of hydraulic machinery parameters of the hydropower station and pumped storage power station has a great influence on the transition process, the hydraulic machinery parameters are: determine the pressure pipe water hammer flow; determine load rejection Rotor torque of poor turbine speed; incorporated into the power system operation speed change of active power and turbine and pump conditions of the unit start-up time. Other parameters are also important: the axial force of the runner; the pressure at different points in the runner and the forces on the rotor blades and guide vanes. It is well known that the above turbine parameters depend on the operating conditions of the turbine, ie the kinematic conditions of the turbine, which can be written
Broadband normal dispersion pumping supercontinuum(SC) generation in silica photonic crystal fiber(PCF) is investigated in this paper.A 1064-nm picosecond fiber
脑性瘫痪为非进行性中枢性运动功能障碍 ,临床上并不少见 ,往往就医较晚 ,失去了矫治的良好时机。本病致病因素各家报道不一 ,以围产期缺氧、缺血因素最多 ,严重程度与治疗与
The efficiency droop behaviors of GaN-based green light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are studied as a function of temperature from 300 K to 480 K. The overall quantum
通过反复对比和分析认为21—2N钢采用1170℃的保温固溶处理和760℃的时效处理是最为合理和经济的。 Through repeated comparison and analysis, it is considered that 21-2N steel is
本研究探讨中国职业教育体系,特别是在加入WTO国际交流频繁之下,分析中国目前职业教育发展的现况,进而讨论中国高等职业教育的运行环境中存在的问题及建议。 This study exp
婴儿肺炎是儿科常见病、多发病,部分患儿在应用抗感染及对症治疗后临床症状改善,但肺部罗音难以吸收。笔者采用 10%萄糖酸钙 5ml加入10%葡萄糖液 20ml中静滴,辅助肺部罗音吸收,收到良好疗效。