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玉米螟Ostrinia nubilalis(Hbner)是我区为害最严重的一种害虫。我们从1959年以来,对玉米螟生活史及数量消长进行了研究,以此为根据,设计出预测发生数量的方法。 一、玉米螟数量消长的主导因素及其在测报上的应用 影响玉米螟发生量的因素很多,有虫口基数、寄主作物面积、天敌数量及气象条件等。但在实践中,不分主次地采用多因素进行预测,不但工作量大,且易造成混乱,预测也难准确。毛主席教导我们:“任何过程如果有多数矛盾存在的话,其中必定有一种是主要的,起着领导的、决定的作用,其他则处于次要和服从的地位。因此,研究任何过程,如果是存在着两个以上矛盾的复杂过程的话,就要用全力找出它的主要矛盾。捉住了这个主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解了。”影响玉米螟发生量的主要矛盾(即主导因素)是什么呢?有 Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbner) is one of the most harmful insect pests in our area. Since 1959, we have studied the life history and the decline of corn borer, and based on this, we have designed a method to predict the number of occurrence. First, the corn borer growth and decline of the dominant factor and its application in the measurement of corn borer affect the amount of many factors, the number of insect population, the host crop area, the number of natural enemies and weather conditions. However, in practice, the use of multiple factors regardless of primary and secondary to predict, not only heavy workload, and easy to cause confusion, the prediction is difficult to accurately. Chairman Mao taught us: “If there is a great deal of contradictions in any process, there must be one of them that is major and plays a leading and decisive role, while others are in a secondary and subordinate position. Therefore, to study any process, if it is If there are more than two contradictory and complex processes, we must try our best to find out its main contradictions and catch the main contradiction so that all the problems will be solved. ”The main contradiction (ie, the dominant factor) affecting the occurrence of corn borer is What?
四纹丽金龟(Popillia quadriguttaia F.)是我国北方一种食性杂,分布广的农田地下害虫,在辽东半岛花生产区已成为危害作物的优势种,造成花生落果,并加害玉米、高粱等。 为了
为了对胡蜂的益害问题有一个全面的认识,现将我们对胡蜂为害水果的初步观察介绍如下。 一、为害果树的胡蜂种类 我国已记载为害果树的胡蜂有13种,分布在15个省(市、区),为害
近年来,由于耕制及栽培技术的改革,在一些稻区,尤属中稻、单晚与双晚地区,稻绿蝽的发生日趋加重,给水稻的增产造成较重的影响,一般可损失二、三成,严重时可达五成。 稻绿蝽N
工 作 了 近 一 个 月 ,却 拿 不 到 工 资 。 一 说起 来 ,小 芳 就 忍 不 住 怪 自 己 :如 果 事 先 跟 老板 谈 好 待遇 问 题 ,现 在 就 不 会烦 恼 了 。 小 芳 是 江
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