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中国林业科学院林产化工研究所副所长、高级工程师李宗来,最近到我省滇西、滇南考察。在思茅期间,他就林产化工业的开发利用问题回答了记者的提问。记者:思茅地区是云南省的紫胶主产区之一。这里先请您谈谈目前紫胶生产、市场状况及前景。李:这次到云南来,听到这样一个信息:紫胶滞销积压,不少同志为之担忧。据我所知,这个问题确实存在。它不仅在我国存在,在国际市场上也存在,如用胶大国西德,产胶大国印度都出现了滞 Chinese Academy of Forestry, Institute of Forest Chemical Industry, deputy director, senior engineer Li Zonglai, recently to our province in western Yunnan and southern Yunnan inspection. During his stay in Simao, he answered reporters’ questions on the development and utilization of the forest chemical industry. Reporter: Simao region is one of the main producing areas of shellac in Yunnan Province. Here to talk about the current shellac production, market conditions and prospects. Li: This time I came to Yunnan to hear such a message: the slow sales of shellac and many comrades worry about it. As far as I know, this problem does exist. It exists not only in our country, but also in the international market.
给出了非理想UR90(Unstableringresonatorwith90°beamrotation)环形非稳腔的计算模型,用快速Fourier变换法计算并分析了球面波象差、象散、青差、腔镜倾斜及增益分布不均匀对光场分布的影响。 The computational model of annular
2009年1 2月30日上午,南雄市老促会四届七次理事(扩大)会议在南雄市农业局会议室召开。老促会理事单位、各镇(街道)人民政府(办事处)分管领导共30多人参加了会议。中共南雄
La-hexaaluminate catalyst for methane catalytic combustion was synthesized by a reverse microemulsion.Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams of a quaternary microemulsio
First of all, let me ask you avery simple question: Do youlove children? If you don’t,they certainly won’t love you.I’ve seen too many people pretending to
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