注重支农政策培训 做好惠农补贴工作——宝丰县支农补贴工作从支农政策培训做起

来源 :东方企业文化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donggewo
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为推动农村经济发展,保障和改善民生,近几年来,国家高度重视农村工作,着力加大对农业和农村工作的投资,中央出台了一系列惠农政策,并且其范围越来越广,资金投入量越来越大,享受惠农政策的对象也越来越多。如何确保政府的惠农政策不走样,不折不扣地落到实处,把好事办好,成为能否做好 In order to promote rural economic development and safeguard and improve people’s livelihood, in recent years, the state has attached great importance to rural work and made great efforts to increase investment in agriculture and rural work. The Central Government has promulgated a series of policies to benefit farmers and is becoming more and more widespread. Funds Increasing input, the beneficiary policy is also more and more objects. How to ensure that the government’s preferential agricultural policies do not take a delusional way, implement it in a down-to-earth manner
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