Research on Vocational English Teaching Based on the National China Skills in 2019

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  【Abstract】The 15th National China Skills in Qingdao drew great attention due to its high specifications, difficulty, wide range and great involvement. However, the question bank was given in the month before the competition this year instead of. The problems in the cultivation of oral English teaching were reflected from the on-the-spot performance. A great number of candidates cannot make impromptu speeches and fail to further communicate in-depth. In this case, it calls on Higher Vocational Colleges to further cultivate the critical thinking ability of both English teachers and students under the background of the big data, thus truly improving students’ English communication to adapt to the rapid development of the times and conform to Talent Training Programs in higher vocational colleges.
  【Key Words】Big data; National China Skills; Critical thinking; Talent Training Program
  【作者簡介】Xiujuan Wang, Hunan Railway Professional Technology College
  1. Typical Problems Reflected in the 15th China Skills
  The Speech Contest consists of three parts, namely presentation,interview and debate. The referees judge the candidates from the content (logic, response), language and manners. Potential problems were reflected during the competition, being not only the language, but also the analytical abilities and critical thinking capabilities, as followed in terms of critical thinking.
  First, many contestants lack the ability to accurately capture and interpret information. Failing to accurately understand the focus of the chart and describe the chart in a confused and lengthy way led to a lower score.
  Second, most contestants are weak in the process of argumentation, they simply repeat their own opinions, not knowing how to convince the fellow debaters by citing examples, metaphors, comparisons and other methods of argumentation, which led to insufficient analysis and weak persuasiveness.
  Third, their illogic idea, unclear organization of language and imperfect connection resulted in confusion in the presentation process.
  2. The Cultivation of Critical Thinking Ability in Oral English Teaching
  (1)The Development of the Critical Thinking Ability of Oral English Teachers
  To cultivate students’ critical thinking ability, teachers are required to have critical thinking skills first. Most of the vocational college English teachers only knew some basic knowledge of philosophy during the university, and they have not been exposed to logics and critical thinking. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for teachers to carry out critical thinking teaching. Therefore, it is top priority for Oral English teachers to understand the connotation of critical thinking, related training and teaching activities are performed thereof.   (2)Design of Teaching Activities Conducive to Cultivating Students’ Critical Thinking Ability
  Language is not only a tool but also a form of expressing thinking. To improve students’ oral communication ability, it is necessary to improve students’ critical thinking ability. The design of teaching and learning activities should focus on cultivating students’ analytical and comprehensive abilities and the ability to discover, analyze and solve problems, emotional intentions of critical thinking as well. Teachers should pay more attention to language accuracy and fluency when designing teaching activities.
  3. Conclusion
  The 15th China Skills witnessed the fruitful results of the development and reform of vocational education in China, which will further accelerate the transformation of the competition resources. Comprehensive English literacy is reflected by constantly reflection on progressive reforms.
【摘要】1.英语实践小活动是英语课堂延伸活动的主要部分,它拓展了学生学习和运用英语的渠道,也是《小学英语新课程标准》的基本理念之一。2.如何针对不同的教学主题和内容,配合不同的教学要求,设计各类英语实践小活动。3.设计英语实践小活动要注意的问题:目的性、生活性和实用性、趣味性、层次性和个体性。  【关键词】英语课程标准;课堂延伸实践小活动;类型;设计注意问题  【作者简介】吴爱辉,珠海市香洲区夏湾
【摘要】第二语言习得是研究语言习得环境,习得过程和习得规律的科学。美国语言学家Krashen提出了第二语言习得的五个理论假设,它为外语教学提供了可借鉴的理论基础和启发,教师在教学实践中,应进一步利用这些理论更好地为外语课堂教学服务,并引导学生独立学习。  【关键词】第二语言习得理论;Krashen;课堂教学  【作者简介】康宁,郑州外国语学校。  一、习得—学习假设  Krashen提出获得语言有
【摘要】随着我国的整体教育水平逐渐提升,国家对农村地区学生教育的问题也越来越重视。虽然较以前看来农村地区的整体教育水平已经有了大幅度的提升,但英语教学仍处于较低的水准,在英语口语教学方面尤其如是。部分学生在进入初中以前英语口语仍然是零基础,甚至学生一开始就对英语口语的学习有抵触情绪,这就对于农村英语口语教学带来了不小的困难。因此,本文主要讨论了农村英语口语教学目前面临的困境及其解决方案。  【关键
【摘要】“乐”是我们小学英语课堂一直努力追寻的。“乐之学习”教学主张是站于儿童立场,体会儿童之感,是遵循儿童教育的心理规律的,是符合儿童心智发展的自然顺序的一种教学主张。本文笔者着眼于“乐之学习”,探寻小学英语课堂的“乐”之路。  【关键词】乐之学习;小学英语;课堂  【作者简介】叶菲,苏州市金阊实验小学。  “乐之学习”是我校在逐梦“三乐”教育之路上的内心呼唤,“乐之学习”教学主张是站于儿童立场
【摘要】小学生年龄较小,理解能力与记忆能力相对薄弱,要想使他们在未掌握发音规则的基础上熟记单词尤其是复杂单词存在较大难度。音素是语音重要组成部分,将音素与英语自然拼读相结合有利于提升学生单词记忆及英语教学效果。本文结合小学教育实际,探讨了小学英语自然拼读。  【关键词】小学教育;英语自然拼读;分析  【作者简介】唐致霞(1983.10.1-),女,汉族,兰州人,甘肃省兰州市七里河区柳树湾中心校,初
【摘要】教育已经完全步入了互联网 时代,微课成为教育信息化时代各级各类学校师生青睐的一种视频课程。微课,顾名思义就是用时“微”、容量“微”。虽然微课用时“微”、含载的内容,传授方式,教学地点却很“大”。因此,“微课”既有别于传统单一资源类型的教学课例、教学课件、教学设计、教学反思等教学资源,又是在其基础上继承和发展起来的一种新型教学资源。  【关键词】微课;初中英语教学;原则;作用  【作者简介】