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抓住机遇 快速发展 1993年初,地处嵩山脚下的河南省偃师市撤县建市,原工业局下属的电力公司升格为电业局。此时,王守民由乡党委书记改任电业局长。上任伊始,一大堆困难摆在他面前:全市电力发展缓慢,电网布局不合理,设备严重老化,职工人心涣散,安全工作落后……王守民失眠了,一连几天沉浸在苦思瞑想之中。走访、座谈、现场察看,思索,一个振兴偃师电业的总体方案逐步形成:到2000年,要建成五座110kV变电站,35kV变电站达到一乡一座。 规划已定,说干就干。为适应全市经济发展需要,他一手抓老站改造,一手抓新站建设。1993年和1994年各建成35kV变电站一座。按他的设想,1995年要建三个站,同时要有一个110kV站土建开工。总投资需2000万元。资金成了拦路虎。为筹集资金,王守民提出:一切为工程让路,尽量压缩开支,动员职工,讲明道理,推迟了宿舍楼的建设。另一方面,他几次到北京筹资。在他和全局职工的努力下,三个站如期开工,如期建成投运。自己设计、自己施工的110kV 潘屯变电站已于1996年10月竣工投运。1997年上半年,庞村变 Seize the opportunity to rapid development In early 1993, is located at the foot of Songshan County, Yanshi City, Henan Province, withdrawing the city, the former Industrial Power Bureau subordinate power company upgraded to the electricity bureau. At this point, Wang Shoumin by the township party secretary changed to electrical director. At the beginning, a lot of difficulties before him: the city’s slow development of power, the power grid layout is unreasonable, serious aging equipment, staff pandemonium, safety and backwardness ... ... Wang Shoumin insomnia, and for several days immersed in thought. Visits, seminars, site visits, thinking, a general plan to revitalize Yanshi electric industry gradually formed: By 2000, to build five 110kV substation, 35kV substation to a rural one. Planning has been set, that is done. In order to meet the needs of the economic development of the municipality, he tackled the transformation of the old station and the construction of the new station with one hand. In 1993 and 1994 completed a 35kV substation. According to his idea, in 1995 to build three stations, at the same time to have a 110kV station started construction. The total investment needs 20 million yuan. Money has become a stumbling block. In order to raise funds, Wang Shumin put forward: All give way for the project, try to reduce expenditure, mobilize staff and workers, explain the truth, postponed the building of dormitory. On the other hand, he made several trips to Beijing to raise funds. Under the efforts of him and the global staff, the three stations started on schedule and were put into operation on schedule. Own design, construction of their own 110kV Pan Tun substation was completed in 1996 October put into operation. In the first half of 1997, Pangcun changed
2002年3月,鲁宏集团将新科技应用于化学建材生产设备领域,又领行业之先推出新型板材生产线。该生产线是在吸收 March 2002, Lu Hong Group will be the new technology use
南京大学副校长洪银兴教授认为:我国在确定由计划经济体制转向市场经济体制以后,不过几年就出现买方市场的状态证明,体制转变对买方市场形成发挥了决定性 Professor Hong Y