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2002年年中世界经济将会开始复苏,目前我国经济仍处于筑底过程中。预计管理层会在2002年上半年尽快推出新的国有股减持方案,正因为前次国有股减持失败,所以,新的方案将会较为合理,预计不会对大盘形成冲击。 2002年有望首先推出统一指数,在统一指数平稳运行一段时间后,2003年股指期货的开设有望提上议事日程。 2002年管理层继续做大股票市场这块蛋糕的决心不会轻易改变,扩容仍会维持一定的速度。 2002年股市将是一个平衡市,全年85%以上时间大盘将在1400--2000点之间波动(以上综指为例),任何超越这个区间的时机都将是极好的做多和做空的良机。 投资者操作得当,一年中可能有多次较好的做空、做多机会,波段操作将成为2002年的首选操作方法。 2002年股市投资策略为:根据平衡市特征,动态调整仓位比例;摈弃“做庄”思维,注重基本面研究,获取“阳光”利润;转变“牛、熊”思维,坚持波段操作;尝试进行指数化投资,积极备战股指期货;领先一步,把握热点板块。 统一指数板块、科技板块、绩优板块、国有股减持板块有望成为2002年的热点板块。 In mid-2002, the world economy will begin to recover. At present, the economy of our country is still in the process of building a foundation. The management is expected to launch a new state-owned stock reduction plan as soon as the first half of 2002. Because of the failure of the previous state-owned stock holdings, the new plan will be more reasonable and it is not expected to impact the broader market. In 2002, it is expected to launch the unified index first. After the unified index runs smoothly for some time, the opening of the stock index futures in 2003 is expected to be put on the agenda. In 2002, the management’s determination to continue to expand the cake in the stock market will not be easily changed, and its expansion will still maintain a certain pace. In 2002, the stock market will be a balanced market. Over 85% of the time in the whole year will be fluctuating between 1400-2000 points (for example, the KLCI above), any timing beyond this interval will be extremely good and short Good opportunity. Investors operate properly, there may be many good times a year, to do more opportunities, band operation will be the preferred method of operation in 2002. In 2002, the investment strategy of the stock market was: to dynamically adjust the position ratio according to the characteristics of the balanced city; to abandon the thinking of doing “doing Zhuang”; to pay attention to fundamental research to gain the profit of “sunshine”; to change the thinking of “cattle and bear”; to carry out the band operation; Investment, actively preparing stock index futures; one step ahead, grasp the hot plate. Unified index plate, science and technology plate, blue chip, state-owned shares reduction plate is expected to become the hot plate in 2002.
目的分析尿毒症患者心脏磁共振(CMR)心肌延迟强化的特征,探讨MRI增强检查对尿毒症心肌病的意义和价值。资料与方法 40例尿毒症患者、10例心肌梗死患者及5例肥厚性心肌病患者
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林奇是当今美国,乃至全球最高薪的受聘投资组合经理人,是麦哲伦100万共同基金的创始人,是杰出的职业股票投资人、华尔街股票市场的聚财巨头。 彼得·林奇在其数十年的职业股
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