长短利益关系处理不当 黄市乡茶场茶树成片死亡

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汨罗市黄市乡茶场系70年代开垦种植,有茶园近300亩,茶园基础较好,高产阶段亩产细茶100kg以上。然而,由于承包责任制不完善,乡政府只认上交利润,肥培管理等无具体要求,其结果是产量逐年减少,发展到1992年由临湘县一个体户承包。1992年初春和夏季,茶树先后死去半数。据分析,1991年冬冰冻和1992年夏干旱固然是其直接原因,但不是主要原因,主要原因是较长时间的掠夺式经营。该场自承包到个人后,夏、秋茶改产边 Miluo City, Huangshi Township, Department of tea plantation reclaimed in the 1970s, there are nearly 300 acres of tea plantations, better tea plantations, high-yielding stage more than 100kg of fine tea. However, due to imperfect contracting responsibility system, the township government did not recognize the specific requirements of paying profits and management of fertilizer cultivation. As a result, the output decreased year by year and the contract was developed by a self-employed in Linxiang County in 1992. Early spring and summer of 1992, the tea tree has died half. According to the analysis, the winter icefall in 1991 and the drought in the summer of 1992 are certainly the direct causes, but not the major ones, mainly because of predatory operations for a longer period of time. The field since the contract to individuals, the summer, autumn tea conversion edge
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