
来源 :林业实用技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iamasg_wql
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本文就不同高度对毛竹主要解剖特征及与毛竹主要物理力学性质的关系进行研究并发现:自毛竹基部向上维管束比量逐渐增大,山脚、山顶维管束比量分别为39.1%和42.2%,山顶处值比山脚高7.9%。维管束平均面积自毛竹基部向上逐渐减小,山顶处维管束平均面积为0.314mm2,山脚处为0.282mm2,比山顶处小10.2%。基本组织比量随着毛竹轴向高度增加而减小,山顶、山脚基本组织比量平均值分别是57.8%和60.9%,山脚比山顶处基本组织比量高出5.38%。在0.05水平上经双样本等方差发现山脚和山顶的维管束比量、维管束平均面积、基本组织比量差异均显著。山顶、山脚导管比量和导管平均面积分别为4.36%、3.66%和0.0154mm2、0.0127mm2,二者间差异均不显著。抗弯弹性模量与维管束比量间有较高的正相关关性,与基本组织比量间有较高的负相关关性。 In this paper, the main anatomical characteristics of Phyllostachys pubescens and its relationship with the main physical and mechanical properties of Phyllostachys pubescens were studied at different heights. The results showed that the ratio of the upward vascular bundles increased from 39 to 42.2% Peak value of 7.9% higher than the foot of the mountain. The mean area of ​​vascular bundles decreased from the base of bamboo to the top, with an average vascular bundle area of ​​0.314mm2 at the top of the mountain and 0.282mm2 at the foot of the mountain, 10.2% smaller than the top of the mountain. The ratio of basic tissue decreased with the increase of the axial height of the bamboo. The average basic tissue ratios of the top and the foot of the bamboo were 57.8% and 60.9% respectively, and the ratio of the base to the top of the hill was 5.38% higher than that of the top of the mountain. At the level of 0.05, it was found that there were significant differences in the amount of vascular bundles, the average area of ​​vascular bundles, and the basic tissue ratio at the foot of the mountain and the mountaintop by the variance of two samples. The ratio of the top of the mountain to the top of the mountain and the average area of ​​the catheter were 4.36%, 3.66% and 0.0154mm2,0.0127mm2, respectively. There was no significant difference between them. There was a high positive correlation between bending elastic modulus and vascular bundle ratio, and a high negative correlation with basic tissue ratio.
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