落实四个字 做好班主任

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班主任与学生之间若存在一种亲密无间、形同鱼水的关系,班级的一切工作便会顺理成章,一切问题也会迎刃而解。若班主任与学生之间的关系如同水火、格格不入的话,即便是制定最最严格的班规班纪对班级工作的开展亦是无济于事。那么,班主任应怎样协调自身与学生的关系、达到和谐统一呢?首先,班主任得充满爱心、为人师表,以自己的人格魅力来影响学生。俗话说:学高为师,身正为范。教师,尤其是班主任,更须得加强自身修养,在做 If there is an intimate relationship between the class teacher and the students, the same form of fish-water relationship, all class work will be a matter of course, all problems will be solved. If the relationship between the head teacher and the students is as incompatible as the fire and water, it is of no avail to carry out class work even if the most rigorous class rules and regulations are laid down. So, the teacher should be how to coordinate their own relationship with the students, to achieve harmony and unity? First of all, the teacher should be full of love, as a teacher, with their own personal charm to influence students. As the saying goes: learn as a teacher, who is the body. Teachers, especially class teachers, must further enhance their self-cultivation and do well
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