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一、我馆开展咨询服务工作的缘起和做法党的十一届三中全会以来所实行的改革、开放的政策,给我国的经济建设和科学文化事业的发展带来了一派繁荣景象。“四化”建设的迅速发展也促进了档案工作的蓬勃发展。自从实行历史档案开放政策以来,我馆的档案利用工作出现了一些新的形势和特点,集中表现在:(一)来馆利用档案的人数日益增多,查用档案量大量增加。增加的不仅有来馆利用档案者,而且来函查询者也越来越多。(二)是社会利用档案的范围更加广泛。过去利用者查用的档案多限于中外边界、农民起义、军事战争等阶级斗争的史料。现在利用者多是查用经济、文化及天文、地理等科技方面的史料。过去多是集体批量地查用档案。现在多是学者个人零星的查阅史料,这些利用者迫切要 I. The Origin and Practice of Our Counseling Service Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the policy of reform and opening up has brought a prosperous scene to our country’s economic construction and the development of science and culture. The rapid development of the “four modernizations” construction also promoted the vigorous development of archives work. Since the implementation of the policy of opening up historical archives, there have been some new situations and features in the utilization of archives in our museum. The concentrated manifestations are as follows: (1) The number of archives used by museums is increasing day by day, and the amount of archives archives has increased substantially. Not only did the increased use of archives come from the archives, but also more and more people were consulted. (B) It is a wider range of community use of archives. In the past, the files used by the users were mostly limited to the historical materials of class struggle such as the border between China and the Republic, the peasant uprising and the military war. At present, most users make use of the historical, scientific and technological materials such as economy, culture and astronomy and geography. In the past, it was mostly mass-checking archives. Nowadays, it is often the individual’s sporadic access to historical materials, which are urgently needed by these users
圣经说:上帝在这里关上了门,必将在那里为你打开一扇窗。古人说:天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来。我说:消防人的字典里永远找不到“困难”两个字。是金子就永远会发光! The B
寻觅什么呢亲爱的老专家寻远去的算盘声声觅洒下的汗珠和脚步吗 What to look for? Dear old experts find the abacus to find the sweat and footsteps shed