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针对双曲壳体冷却塔的静风整体稳定进行研究,介绍了现行规范条款的试验背景,探讨了其试验方法和结果,并对试验结果和计算结果进行比较分析。以现阶段代表性大型双曲壳体冷却塔为例,在动力特性分析的基础上,研究了其分支点和极值点整体失稳特征和内压取值及加劲环设置对整体稳定性的影响。研究发现:冷却塔塔筒的振型可以看作是上下弹性支撑水平圆环结构和左右弹性支撑子午向悬臂结构振型的耦合;其风压作用下的几何非线性特征并不明显,结构的失稳是突然发生的,极值点失稳形态既表现出静力计算的变形特征,又带有分支点屈曲模态的倾斜谐波;冷却塔整体稳定性随内压取值的增加而显著下降,而增设加劲环能够增加和协调塔筒刚度分布从而提高结构的稳定性,并且加劲环设置在失稳形态变形最大的位置效果最为显著。 In view of the overall stability of the static wind in the hyperbolic shell cooling tower, the experimental background of the current regulation is introduced, the test methods and results are discussed, and the test results and the calculation results are compared and analyzed. Taking the representative large hyperbolic shell cooling tower as an example, on the basis of dynamic characteristics analysis, the overall instability characteristics and internal pressure values ​​of the branch points and extreme points and the setting of stiffener ring on the overall stability influences. It is found that the mode shapes of cooling towers can be regarded as the coupling of the upper and lower elastic support horizontal ring structures and the vibration modes of the left and right radial support cantilever structures. The geometrical nonlinear characteristics under wind pressure are not obvious, Instability is abrupt, and the instability of the extreme point shows both the deformation characteristics of the static calculation and the oblique harmonic of the buckling mode of the branch point. The overall stability of the cooling tower increases significantly with the increase of the internal pressure While the addition of stiffening ring can increase and coordinate the stiffness distribution of the tower to improve the stability of the structure. Moreover, the setting of the stiffener ring is the most obvious at the position where the deformation of unsteady shape is the largest.
让我们真切地感受到这真是一棵黄山奇松!  4. (PPT出示:陪客松正对玉屏楼,如同一个绿色的巨人站在那儿……送客松姿态独特,枝干盘曲,游人把它比作“天然盆景”。……)陪客松、送客松“奇”在何处呢?  (1) 陪客松:作者把它比作“一个绿色的巨人”,让人感受到它的高大挺拔,生命力旺盛。  (2) 送客松:从游人把它比作“天然盆景”中,可以感受到它独特的姿态。  (3) 学生之间相互交流、补充。  
世界卫生组织(WHO)联合27个国家,43个中心,进行了6年调查研究,最后资料表明下列因素是 The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a six-year investigation in 27 co
头痛是一种常见而普通的症状。进入老年期以后, 各种功能性头痛较青壮年要少,而器质性疾病 引起的头痛则十分常见。因此,老年人一旦发生头痛,即使症状较轻,也要引起充分重视
有人说,中风首次发作是火力侦察,一般症状较轻,恢复也快;然而再次复发,那才是疯狂进攻,会令你非死即残。这是人们从实践中总结出来的,也确有理论根据。 Some people say th