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血清 CA 19-9测定用于胰腺癌的辅助诊断已陆续见到报道,最近有人发现这一检测尚可作为判断预后的指标,令人瞩目。本文报道作者在1987.1~1990.11期间对38例组织学确诊为胰腺腺癌病人手术前后血清 CA 19-9系列观察的结果。病人依肿瘤大小分成≤5 cm 和>5 cm 两组,然后再按能否切除分成二个亚组。用放射免疫法系列测定患者的 CA 19-9水平,分别是术前1~2周,术后1周、1月各测定一次,以后则每隔三个月测定一次。以37 u/ml 作为正常值的上限。如 CA 19-9测定值<500 u/ml 者,均需加测Lewis 血型,以确定是为阳性或阴性。随防时除测定CA 19-9 外,尚结合体检、CT 检查以及实验室检查以全面衡量病人状况。 Serum CA 19-9 assay has been used for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer has been reported one after another, it was recently found that this test can be used as an indicator of prognosis, it is remarkable. This article reports the results of the observation of serum CA 19-9 series before and after surgery for 38 patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma who were histologically diagnosed between 1987.1 and 1990.11. The patients were divided into two groups of ≤5 cm and >5 cm according to the size of the tumor, and then they were divided into two subgroups according to their resection. The levels of CA 19-9 in patients were determined by radioimmunoassay series, 1 to 2 weeks before surgery, 1 at 1 and 1 month after surgery, and once every three months thereafter. Take 37 u/ml as the upper limit of the normal value. If the value of CA 19-9 is less than 500 u/ml, the Lewis blood type should be measured to determine whether it is positive or negative. With the exception of CA 19-9, the combination of physical examinations, CT examinations, and laboratory tests was used to fully measure the condition of the patient.
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