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“唱瞎腔的”来了。秋耳跟着跑来跑去,本来只想玩玩,看看热闹,不料想人家才唱第二个晚上,他就看出来自己老娘的不正常。娘的危险苗头,像线拴住心一样扯得疼。娘流泪时,起初在黑压压的人堆里,悄无声息地往褂襟上滴嗒,随后克制不住,变成很响的抽泣。仗着别人同哭的声音,娘不再刻意掩饰,看上去也没个难为情。秋耳却为此难过,恨不得找个墙缝钻进去。事实上娘流泪倒没什么可怕的,可怕的是由此引 “Sing a blind cavity ” came. Autumn ear followed running around, had just wanted to play, look at the lively, unexpectedly people think they sing the second night, he saw his aging mother is not normal. Mother’s dangerous signs, like pulling the heart tied to hurt. Mother cry, first at the heap of people in the dark, silently to the gown on the billboard, then uncontrollable, into a very loud sobbing. Relying on the voice of others crying, the mother is no longer deliberately concealment, it seems no embarrassment. Autumn ear is sad for this, can not wait to find a wall to drill into it. In fact, there is nothing terrible mother cry, terrible is caused by this
The widespread use of Internet accelerates the rapid development of business to customer electronic commerce. To reduce information overload and help their cust
Intelligent systems and methods such as the neural network (NN) are usually used in electric power systems for short-term electrical load forecasting. However,
本文根据1987年发表的部分采矿方面的论文与报道,分8个方面进行评述。 Based on the papers and reports on some mining issues published in 1987, this article reviews
一、井田开采情况与发展前景白芨沟井田含煤地层为中下侏罗纪延安统,共含可采及局部可采煤层七层,截至1987年底,全井剩余地质储量22053.5万 t,可采煤量14796.3万 t,按年生产
背景:  肺癌目前在世界范围已经上升到第一高发的恶性肿瘤。非小细胞肺癌是较典型的由驱动基因发生发展的瘤种,在以精确治疗为目标的当代,通过特异性靶向调控这些基因可导致