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实现健康养龟的重要途径之一,是采用环境调控、结构调控和生物调控组成的生态调控技术。1环境调控1.1环境调控基本概念龟的环境生态调控,包括两个方面:一是龟的外部环境,另一是龟的内部环境。外部环境恶劣,病原微生物就会大量繁殖,龟体抵抗力下降,病原乘虚而入,疾病就会产 One of the important ways to achieve healthy turtle breeding is to adopt the ecological regulation and control technology composed of environmental regulation, structural regulation and biological regulation. 1 Environmental regulation and control 1.1 The basic concept of environmental regulation Turtle ecological regulation of the environment, including two aspects: First, the turtle’s external environment, the other is the turtle’s internal environment. Poor external environment, pathogenic microorganisms will multiply, turtle body resistance decreased, pathogen take advantage of, the disease will produce
以塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘荒漠绿洲过渡带优势种骆驼刺为试验材料,研究正常光照(NL)、中度遮阴(MS)和重度遮阴(SS)3种不同遮阴环境对骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia Shap.)叶厚、单叶面积、比叶面积、比叶质量等叶性状参数和相对含水量、水势、失水速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率以及水分利用效率等水分生理参数的影响。结果显示:随着光照强度的降低,骆驼刺的叶片厚度(LT)、比叶质量(LMA)、净
我国的河蟹养殖业发展很快, 90年代以来,无论是大水面网围养蟹、池塘精养、鱼蟹混养、稻田养蟹,发展速度之快、范围之广、普及推广面之大是前所未有的。由于发展速度快,在发展过