
来源 :辽宁省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sykjzhb
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各市人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:我省现行的城市公共交通、游览参观点、文化娱乐场所儿童身高购票线标准是解放初期制定的。随着社会进步和人民生活水平的提高,我国儿童的身高状况与解放初期相比已发生了很大变化。适当调整儿童购票线标准,符合我国社会发展的实际情况,体现了党和政府对广大少年儿童的关心和正当权益的保护。为此,省政府决定从2002年10月20日起,将我省城市公共交通、游览参观点、文化娱乐等场所儿童购票线最低标准由过去的1.1米或1.2米,一律调整为1.3米,现就有关事宜通知如下: Municipal People’s Government, provincial government departments, and agencies directly under the provincial government: The current standards for the city’s urban public transport, sightseeing and visiting points, and cultural and entertainment venues’ children’s height ticket lines were formulated during the early days of liberation. With the progress of society and the improvement of people’s living standards, the height of children in our country has changed greatly compared to the early days of liberation. Adjusting the standards of children’s ticket lines appropriately conforms to the actual conditions of social development in our country and reflects the party’s and the government’s concern for the majority of young children and the protection of legitimate rights and interests. To this end, the provincial government decided that starting from October 20, 2002, the minimum standard for children’s ticket lines in urban public transport, tour sites, and cultural and entertainment venues in the province should be adjusted from the previous 1.1 meters or 1.2 meters to 1.3 meters. , the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
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中华人民共和国政府和加納共和国政府为了促进和加强两国間的貿易关系,根据平等互利的原則,达成协議如下: 第一条两国間的貿易应以进口商品总值和出口商品总值平衡为原則。
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