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  One September night a family had gathered round their hearth. Up the chimney roared the fire, and brightened the room with its broad blaze. The faces of the father and mother had a 1)sober gladness; the children laughed; and the aged grandmother sat knitting in the warmest place. This family was situated in the
  2)Notch of the 3)White Hills, where the wind was sharp throughout the year, and pitilessly cold in the winter. They dwelt in a cold spot and a dangerous one; for a mountain towered above their heads, so steep, that the stones would often 4)rumble down its sides and startle them at midnight.
  The eldest daughter had just uttered some simple 5)jest that filled them all with 6)mirth, when the wind came through the Notch and seemed to pause before their cottage—7)rattling the door, with a sound of wailing and 8)lamentation, before it passed into the valley. For a moment it saddened them, though there was nothing unusual in the tones. But the family were glad again when they perceived that the 9)latch was lifted by some traveler, whose footsteps had been unheard amid the dreary blast which 10)heralded his approach, and wailed as he was entering, and went moaning away from the door.
  Though they dwelt in such a 11)solitude, these people held daily converse with the world. The romantic pass of the Notch is a great 12)artery, through which the life-blood of internal commerce is continually throbbing. The 13)way-farer, with no companion but his 14)staff, paused here to exchange a word. It was one of those primitive 15)taverns where the traveler pays only for food and lodging, but meets with a homely kindness beyond all price. When the footsteps were heard, therefore, between the outer door and the inner one, the whole family rose up, grandmother, children, and all, as if about to welcome someone who belonged to them, and whose fate was linked with theirs.
  The door was opened by a young man. His face at first wore the melancholy expression, almost
  16)despondency, of one who travels a wild and 17)bleak road, at nightfall and alone, but soon brightened up when he saw the kindly warmth of his reception. He felt his heart spring forward to meet them all, from the old woman, who wiped a chair with her apron, to the little child that held out its arms to him.
  “Ah, this fire is the right thing!” cried he,“especially when there is such a pleasant circle round it. I am quite 18)benumbed; for the Notch is just like the pipe of a great pair of 19)bellows; it has blown a terrible blast in my face all the way from 20)Bartlett. It is no matter; for, when I saw this good fire, and all your cheerful faces, I felt as if you had kindled it on purpose for me, and were waiting my arrival. So I shall sit down among you, and make myself at home.”
  Let us now suppose the stranger to have finished his supper of bear’s meat; and, by his natural 21)felicity of manner, to have placed himself on a 22)footing of kindness with the whole family, so that they talked as freely together as if he belonged to their mountain brood. He was of a proud, yet gentle spirit—23)haughty and reserved among the rich and great; but ever ready to 24)stoop his head to the lowly cottage door, and be like a brother or a son at the poor man’s fireside. In the household of the Notch he found warmth and simplicity of feeling, and a poetry of native growth, which they had gathered when they little thought of it from the mountain peaks and 25)chasms, and at the very
  26)threshold of their romantic and dangerous 27)abode. He had traveled far and alone; his whole life, indeed, had been a solitary path; for, with the lofty caution of his nature, he had kept himself apart from those who might otherwise have been his companions. The family, too, though so kind and hospitable, had that consciousness of unity among themselves, and separation from the world at large, which, in every domestic circle, should still keep a holy place where no stranger may intrude. But this evening a prophetic sympathy impelled the 28)refined and educated youth to pour out his heart before the simple mountaineers, and constrained them to answer him with the same free confidence. And thus it should have been. Is not the 29)kindred of a common fate a closer tie than that of birth?
  The secret of the young man’s character was a high and abstracted ambition. He could have borne to live an 30)undistinguished life, but not to be forgotten in the grave. Yearning desire had been transformed to hope; and hope, long cherished, had become like certainty, that, 31)obscurely as he journeyed now, a glory was to beam on all his pathway—though not, perhaps, while he was 32)treading it. But when 33)posterity should gaze back into the gloom of what was now the present, they would trace the brightness of his footsteps, brightening as 34)meaner glories faded, and confess that a gifted one had passed from his cradle to his tomb with none to recognize him.
  “35)As yet,” cried the stranger—his cheek glowing and his eyes flashing with enthusiasm—“as yet, I have done nothing. Were I to vanish from the earth tomorrow, none would know so much of me as you: that a nameless youth came up at nightfall from the valley of the 36)Saco, and opened his heart to you in the evening, and passed through the Notch by sunrise, and was seen no more. Not a soul would ask, ‘Who was he?
  37)Whither did the wanderer go?’ But I cannot die till I have achieved my destiny. Then, let Death come! I shall have built my monument!”
  There was a continual flow of natural emotion, gushing forth amid abstracted 38)reverie, which enabled the family to understand this young man’s sentiments, though so 39)foreign from their own.



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