
来源 :作物品种资源 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianlanzhijian
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ZD92147是用籼稻抗源DV85与粳稻广亲和品种M503杂交,F_2抗性株通过花药培养,精心选育而成。多次重复鉴定结果,白叶枯病的抗性与抗源DV85相仿,对浙江省、日本和菲律宾的白叶枯病优势菌株(Zj87-86、PXO61、T_1)的抗性均表现为1级。 ZD92147 was crossed with indica rice-resistant DV85 and Japonica rice wide-compatibility variety M503, and F_2-resistant plants were cultured by anther culture and carefully selected. Repeatedly identified the results of bacterial blight resistance similar to the resistance source DV85, Zhejiang Province, Japan and the Philippines bacterial blight predominant strains (Zj87-86, PXO61, T_1) resistance showed a level 1 .
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