(一)概述 模糊数学是一门崭新的学科,它自1965年由美国控制论学者L.A.Zadeh创始以来,发展迅速,几乎遍及科学的各个领域。 模糊数学是研究和处理模糊性现象的数学。所谓模糊性,是指客观事物的差异在中间过渡时所呈现的“不分明性”。地下采矿方法的选择,就是典型的模糊决策问题。众所周知,影响采矿方法选择的因素很多,如矿岩性质、矿体产状、矿石价值、有用成份分布等。这些因素的描述往往是模糊的,如矿石不够稳固,有用成份分布不太均匀等。
(A) Overview Fuzzy mathematics is a brand new discipline, which has been developing rapidly since its founding by the American scholarly scientist L.A. Zadeh in 1965, covering almost all fields of science. Fuzzy mathematics is to study and deal with the phenomenon of fuzzy mathematics. The so-called ambiguity refers to the “ambiguity” presented by the difference in objective things during the intermediate transition. The choice of underground mining methods is a typical fuzzy decision-making problem. As we all know, there are many factors affecting the choice of mining methods, such as the nature of ore, ore body, ore value, and the distribution of useful components. The description of these factors is often vague, such as the ore is not stable enough, the distribution of useful ingredients is not uniform and so on.