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佝偻病是我国儿童的常见病、多发病,严重影响儿童的生长发育。我们通过药效学实验从中药中筛选出防治小儿佝偻病的有效药物苍术等,并确认了有效部位。为便于小儿服用,我们提取有效成分将其制成口服液,经临床初步观察疗效确切。为控制该制剂质量,进行了主要有效成分的定性 Rickets is a common and frequently-occurring disease in children in our country, which seriously affects children’s growth and development. We used pharmacodynamic experiments to screen out the effective drugs for preventing and curing pediatric rickets in traditional Chinese medicine and confirmed effective areas. In order to facilitate the use of children, we extracted the active ingredients and made it into an oral solution. To control the quality of the formulation, the qualitative analysis of the main active ingredients was carried out
幽兰芳草  冰霜过后 ,兰花以它的幽香来为春天增添新的气息 ,居室陈放一盆兰花 ,会给人们以一种幽静高雅的感受 ,称为幽兰芳草实不虚名。兰花虽然没有浓妆艳服 ,姹紫嫣红 ,
TheauthorsusedSanhuangYikang(三黄抑亢,SHYK)capsulesupplementedwithsmalldosageoftapazoleintreating 6 2GravesdiseasepatientsfromJanuary TheauthorsusedSanhuangYikang(SHYK)capsupplesupplementedwithsmalldosageoftapazoleintreating 6 2GravesdiseasepatientsfromJanu
Two kinds of fixed carrier membrane materials containing secondary amine and carboxyl groups which can be used as carriers of CO2 were prepared. One was poly(N-
患者 女 ,2 7岁 ,汉族 ,因习惯性流产就诊。夫妇二人表型正常 ,婚后 4年 ,孕 4胎。第 1胎妊娠 5 0天 ,自然流产。第 2胎5 0多天下腹部胀痛明显 ,阴道少量流血 ,经黄体酮保胎
取柿籽或柿蒂,水煎服,可治腹泻。 Take persimmon seeds or persimmon, Shuijianbi, can cure diarrhea.
Recentstudiessuggestthatitisknownasoneofmainmechanismsofpathogenesisofpost-menopausalosteoporosisfollowingestrogenlossatpostm... Recentstudiessuggestthatitisknownasoneofmainmechanismsofpathogenesisofpost-menopausalosteoporosisfollowingestrogenlossatpostm
巴布亚新几内亚的医疗制度原以公办为主,80年代后期,由于国家财力有限,1986年开始紧缩预算,改变政策,扶植私有成份,使医疗制度逐步向私有化迈进。 The medical system of Papua New Guin