
来源 :河南公安高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gengfu123456789
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近年来 ,鄢陵县大力推进社会治安综合治理 ,在全县城乡构筑“三层六网”(即县、乡、村三层 ,治安巡逻网、安全防范网、法制宣传网、违法青少年和“两劳”回归人员帮教网、管理服务网、民事调解和情报信息网“六网”) ,推进群防群治工作的社会化 ,以打促防 ,实现了社会治安的持续稳定 ,社会治安工作初步走上了良性循环的局面。鄢陵的经验给我们许多有益的启示 :启示之一 ,公安工作必须坚持群众路线。群众路线是公安机关的优良传统 ,是公安工作立于不败之地的源头活水 ,这个光荣传统任何时候都不能丢 ,越是在改革开放的新形式下 ,越要发扬光大。“三层六网”平安工程 ,调动了人民群众参与社会治安的积极性 ,是新形式下专门工作与群众路线相结合的行之有效的形式。启示之二 ,必须依靠党委、政府的领导。“三层六网”社会治安综合治理是个复杂的社会系统工程 ,没有党委、政府的统一组织领导 ,没有社会各界的参与是不行的。鄢陵县委、县政府把实施“平安工程”作为全县的一项大事来抓 ,亲自制定方案 ,组织动员实施 ,并狠抓工作落实。几年中全县先后为“平安工程”建设注入资金 5 0 0万元 ,鄢陵县各部门、各界响应县委、县政府号召 ,积极参与 ,在全县形成了对平安工程齐抓共管、各尽其职、整体推进的良好局面? In recent years, Yanling County vigorously promote the comprehensive management of public security, urban and rural areas in the county to build “three layers and six networks” (ie, county, township, village three, security patrol network, security network, legal propaganda network, illegal youth and “two Lao ”Return to the staff to help teach the network, management service network, civil mediation and intelligence information network“ six networks ”), promote the socialization of group prevention and treatment work, to fight and prevent, to achieve social security continued stability, social security work preliminary Embarked on a virtuous cycle of the situation. Yanling’s experience gives us many helpful revelations: One of the revelations is that the public security work must adhere to the mass line. The mass line is a fine tradition of the public security organs and an invigorating source of public security work. The glorious tradition can not be thrown at any time. The more it is under the new form of reform and opening up, the more it must flourish. The “Three Layers and Six Networks” peace project has mobilized the people’s enthusiasm for participating in social order and is an effective form of combining specialized work with the mass line under the new form. The second revelation must rely on the leadership of the party committees and governments. The “three layers, six networks,” comprehensive management of social order is a complex social system project, without the leadership of the party committee and government unified organization, without the participation of all walks of life is not acceptable. Yanling county party committee and government to implement the “safe project” as a major event in the county to grasp, develop programs, mobilize the implementation of the organization, and pay close attention to the implementation of the work. Over the past few years, the county has injected 500 million yuan into the construction of the “Safe Project”. Various departments and circles in Yanling County have responded to the call of the county party committee and county government and actively participated in the project. Its post, the overall advancement of a good situation?
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