
来源 :耳鼻咽喉头颈外科 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cctasty
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通过模拟颞下窝手术径路和乙状窦后径路对 30侧头部标本进行解剖 ,获得国人颈静脉孔区神经、血管的解剖参数。 1面神经的行程和有关结构的参数 :鼓乳裂外端 -茎乳孔 12 .96± 1.6 3mm,二腹肌嵴前端 -茎乳孔 9.0 9± 1.6 7mm,面神经水平段 12 .58± 1.6 1mm,垂直段 15.88± 1.55mm,茎乳孔 -腮腺段 18.4 5± 1.76 mm。 2颈静脉球的有关参数 :颈静脉球的穹隆顶骨壁厚度 4 .32± 2 .2 8mm,颈静脉窝与颈动脉管的骨壁厚 4 .92± 2 .0 3mm,颈静脉球 -后半规管壶腹端 3.81± 2 .94 mm,颈静脉球 -面神经垂直段 8.80± 2 .6 6 mm。 3颈内动脉岩骨段的有关参数 :颈内动脉垂直段 9.73± 1.0 4 mm,水平段 18.0 0± 2 .0 4 mm,水平段与脑膜中动脉的距离 6 .80± 2 .0 0 mm,鼓膜张肌腱与水平段及膝部的距离 2 .2 0±1.2 0 mm。以咽鼓管、鼓膜张肌腱、脑膜中动脉为标志定位颈内动脉的水平段 ,颞下窝径路具有暴露好 ,可变通的特点。以上述解剖参数 ,对颈静脉孔区肿瘤的彻底切除、减少合并症、避免死亡病例的发生 ,均有一定参考意义。 The anatomical parameters of the cranial nerves and blood vessels in the jugular foramen of Chinese were obtained by means of anatomizing the head of the 30 specimens by simulating the infratemporal fossa and sigmoid sinus posterior approach. 1 facial nerve stroke and the parameters of the structure: Drum cleft outside the end - stem milk hole 12.96 ± 1.6 3mm, the front of the dyndrum - stem milk hole 9.0 9 ± 1.6 7mm, facial nerve level 12.58 ± 1.6 1mm , Vertical section 15.88 ± 1.55mm, stylomastoid parotid section 18.4 5 ± 1.76 mm. 2 jugular bulb related parameters: jugular bulb dome of the parietal thickness 4 .32 ± 2 .2 8mm, jugular fossa and carotid artery wall thickness 4.92 ± 2. .0 3mm, jugular bulb - after Semi-regulatory tube ampulla 3.81 ± 2.94 mm, jugular bulb - facial vertical segment 8.80 ± 2. 6 6 mm. 3 The relevant parameters of the petrous bone segment of the internal carotid artery: the vertical segment of the internal carotid artery was 9.73 ± 1.0 4 mm, the horizontal segment was 18.0 ± 2.04 mm, the distance between the horizontal segment and the middle meningeal artery was 6.80 ± 2.0 mm , The distance between the tympanic membrane tendon and the horizontal section and the knee was 2.2 ± 1.2 0 mm. Eustachian tube, tympanic membrane tendon, middle cerebral artery as a marker for the level of the internal carotid artery, infratemporal fossa path with good exposure, variable features. The above anatomical parameters of the jugular foramen of tumor resection, reduce complications, to avoid the occurrence of death, have some reference value.
摘 要:在现当代教育时代,对于小学生而言,数学知识的学习主要来源于在学校中对数学教材内容的学习和掌握。数学教材作为数学学习的重要内容,需要学生和教师共同去发掘数学教材的精华。笔者经过多年对教材的深入挖掘和研究,在教学实践中不断总结如何让学生能够更容易和更准确地理解数学教材的学习内容。本文笔者就小学生与数学文本的亲密对话,浅谈几点培养学生阅读数学教材的方法,以及如何培养学生阅读数学教材的习惯,实现学
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