Ship and bridge collision disaster increasing, for any piers should be designed to resist the collision of ships. In this paper, the design rules for unprotected piers are proposed, and a uniform safety factor is recommended. The proper “design of the vessel” is based on a risk estimation model that takes into account the parameter factors associated with the bridge position, geometry, channel characteristics and intended vessel travel characteristics. The proposed method for estimating the response of a “design vessel” to a pier is based on extensive investigation and simplification. It considers two types of factors: various factors (geometry, mass and deformation characteristics) about the ship’s various factors (size, displacement, strength, impact characteristics and speed) and the impact pier. Using this step, draw a design chart that suggests the design of the current static load (as a function of selected “design vessel” and considered depth of water at the pier). In order to check the strength of the local and overall piers, uniform surface loads are also recommended. Finally, some suggestions were made to reduce the risk of collisions and mitigate their consequences.