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亚历山大·恰科夫斯基著有五卷的长篇《围困》(1968—1975),写第二次世界大战中列宁格勒一役,视野宏大,发掘深入,读来可歌可泣。继《围困》之后,作者又以浑厚的笔力创作了政治小说《胜利》(共三卷,1979—1982),同样取材于第二次世界大战,却是写风云诡谲的国际政治斗争。我们从下面选译的段落可以看到,原子弹在四十年代中期一出现,便成了国际阶级斗争中的一个砝码。了解这段历史,有助于认识今天的世界。与史料比较一下不难知道,作者据史实写小说,大关节上不作虚构,但在历史人物的性格塑造上,却着意点染,务求丰满而有血肉。象丘吉尔和杜鲁门,同是顽固的反共政客,个性却迥然不同,透过他们的艺术形象又反映出衰败的英国贵族和崛起的美国垄断财团的精神世界。特别值得重视的,是斯大林艺术形象的塑造。作者没有直接刻画心理,而是写外形,写事件,尤其爱用对比衬托之法,或者以其他人物的眼光迂回出之,较为真实全面地表现出了斯大林作为无产阶级政治领袖的品格和胸怀。这在近年来的苏联文学中,是难能可贵的。 Alexander Chaikovsky’s five-volume long “Siege” (1968-1975), written in battle of Leningrad in World War II, has a vast field of vision, deepening exploration and epic songs. Following the “siege”, the author created the political triumph (three volumes, 1979-1982) with great creativeness. It also draws on the second world war, but it is a stubborn international political struggle. As we can see from the paragraphs to be translated below, the emergence of the atomic bomb in the mid-1940s has become a weight in the international class struggle. Understanding this history helps to understand today’s world. Compared with historical data, it is not hard to know. According to the historical facts, the author writes fiction without making any fiction on the big knuckles. However, on the characterization of historical figures, he deliberately dyed the dots to make it full and fleshy. Like Churchill and Truman, they are stubborn anti-communist politicians with very different personalities. Through their artistic image, they reflect the spiritual world of the declining British aristocracy and the rising monopoly consort of the United States. Of particular note is the shaping of Stalin’s artistic image. Instead of direct portrayal of psychology, the author writes the appearance and the writing events, and especially loves to use the law of contrast or detour out of the eyes of other people to present the character and mindset of Stalin as proletarian political leader more truly and comprehensively. This is remarkable in Soviet literature in recent years.
漂亮的发型总能为MM锦上添花,让你发现不一样的自己。在这个春夏换季的时刻,就让《瘦佳人》带领大家彻底来一场变发革命! Beautiful hair always MM icing on the cake, so
高跟鞋的意大利文是 Stiletto,即一种刀刃很窄细的匕首。对女人来说,高跟鞋就像是一把尖锐、性感、时尚的匕首,从当红的明星身上即可看出高跟鞋的不败魅力。因《超人归来》
Simons等(1976)报告,人类白细胞抗原(HLA)Sin2(即BW46或Hs)阳性的鼻咽癌患者存活率似乎较低。Chan和Simons(1977)报告,表型为AW19 BW17(BW17即B17),A空白B17的鼻咽癌患者预
当他躺在地上奄奄一息的时候, 两只肥肥的乌鸦高高栖立在一棵缠人的藤蔓上。 一只乌鸦对伙伴喊道: “老弟,你啄他的眼睛,我吃他的舌头。” As he lay dying on the ground,
今年的《读书》第四期载了张隆溪同志的《管窥蠡测》,其中谈及西方二十世纪文学的anti-hero现象,笔者共鸣颇多。  西德当代著名作家西格弗里德·伦茨就在他的《灯塔船》(Das Feuers-chiff)中让主人翁弗赖塔克说:“我从来不是英雄,我也不想成为英雄。”十分有趣的是西德另一作家艾利希·凯斯特纳也发表过十分相似的言谈:“我不会是或变成英雄。而且我从未成为过英雄。既不是假的也不是真的英雄。”
本文报导一种检测自然杀伤细胞活性的全血测定法(WBA).用此法对肾癌或膀胱癌患者及正常人进行了研究,发现癌症患者活性与正常人相比明显降 This article reports a whole b