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现如今,形形色色的医疗广告可谓铺天盖地。为了推销自己的商品,商家无所不用其极,这其中,不乏一些掺杂虚假成分的广告,甚至广告陷阱。中老年消费者一定要擦亮眼睛,以防既经济上破财,还损害身体健康。那么哪些医疗广告不可轻易相信呢?1出现绝对字眼的广告说起来,违法医疗广告中最常见的现象就是肆意夸大宣传,或者吹嘘疗效。当广告中出现某些非常绝对化的措辞,比如“世界最先进的”、“愈后不反弹”、“一个疗程无效,保证全额退款”等字样 Nowadays, all kinds of medical advertisements can be described as overwhelming. In order to sell their own products, businesses are doing their very best, of which there are some ad mixed with false elements, and even advertising traps. Middle-aged consumers must keep their eyes open to prevent financial disruption and financial damage to their health. So which medical advertisements can not easily believe it? 1 Appear ad words Absolutely speaking, the most common phenomenon in illegal medical advertisements is wanton exaggeration propaganda, or boast curative effect. When ads appear in some very absolute terms, such as “the world’s most advanced ”, “does not rebound more ”, “a course of treatment is invalid, guarantee a full refund ” and other words
Objective: To study the expression of MCP-1 in colorectal carcinoma and its relationship to the infiltration of the macrophage and to the biological behaviour o
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阐明了乳化沥青的优点及经济性,重点介绍了几种养护方法。 Clarified the advantages and economy of emulsified asphalt, and introduced several conservation methods.
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common renal tumor, accounting for 2%-3% of all malignancies. Though RCC is known to spread hematogenously, isolated RCC
随着医药卫生体制改革的不断深入和人民群众就医要求的逐步提高,以及医疗市场的竞争日益激烈,广大医院管理者逐渐认识到宣传工作的重要性。如何与时俱进,根据时代的要求和医院改革的需要,在宣传内容、宣传方法、宣传形式和宣传载体等方面进行改进和创新,不断增强宣传工作活力,是现代医院管理中值得研究思考的问题。  一、医院宣传工作的现状和问题分析  目前,医院宣传工作随着医疗卫生体制改革的深化,其工作的职责、范围
小儿腹股沟斜疝为一常见病,以男性居多,一周岁以上的患儿一般均需手术治疗。既往按常规方法手术,损伤大,术时长,易复发。 Inguinal hernia in children as a common diseas
一、概况我团于1991年10月4日晚离京,10日下午抵达莫斯科。于10月27日凌晨离莫斯科回国.历时15天,技术考察交流工作日为10天。 I. General Our delegation left Beijing on
摘 要:在综述案例教学法特点和分析“电气安全技术”课程特性的基础上,讨论了“电气安全技术”案例教学法的可行性和必要性,着重阐述了案例教学法在“电气安全技术”教学中的组织实施过程,并提出“电气安全技术”课程案例教学应注意的几个问题。  关键词:案例教学法;教学改革;电气安全技术    作者简介:蒋智化(1976-),男,河南焦作人,河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,讲师,工学硕士,主要研究方向:电力
AIM: To demonstrate the feasibility of using woodchuck samples on human microarrays, to provide insight into pathways involving positron emission tomography (PE