Activities of binary baths with 1% solute as standard states

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:limitU
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The relationships of activities with 1% solute as standard state and mass fraction of solute, and hot dip temperature, were given on the base of Miedema’s model, Tanaka expression, some basic thermodynamic relationships; and discussion was carried out on Zn Mn and Zn Ti binary alloys by calculation, in which varied colors can be achieved onthe hot dip steel sheets. The results indicate that the activity of solute shows positive deviation relative to Henry’s law for both Zn Mn and Zn Ti binary dilute solution. The degree of deviation increases with increasing solute and decreases with increasing bath temperature. As the solution is very dilute solution ( w (Mn)≤40% for Zn Mn alloy, w (Ti)≤8% for Zn Ti alloy), the two binary baths can all be treated as ideal dilute solutions. [ The relationships of activities with 1% solute as standard state and mass fraction of solute, and hot dip temperature, were given on the base of Miedema’s model, Tanaka expression, some basic thermodynamic relationships; and discussion was carried out on Zn Mn and Zn Ti binary alloys by calculation, in which varied colors can be achieved on the hot dip steel sheets. The results of that activity of solute shows positive deviation relative to Henry’s law for both Zn Mn and Zn Ti binary dilute solution. The degree of deviation increases with with As the solution is very dilute solution (w (Mn) ≤ 40% for Zn Mn alloy, w (Ti) ≤ 8% for Zn Ti alloy), the two binary baths can all be treated as ideal dilute solutions. [
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以高黎贡山独龙江公路隧道为例,介绍隧道控制测量复测的基本步骤,分析各种测量误差对隧道横向贯通误差的影响.并估算该隧道的横向贯通误差 数据表明,隧道横向贯通误差来源主要为进洞定向基线边方位角误差和支导线测角误差,本次测量方案可以很好地满足该隧道横向贯通误差的限值要求。