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语言的扩散与分布同人口的迁徙紧密相关,就汉语而言,北人南迁是汉语由北向南扩散、形成方言及语言层级的重要因素,这一过程在基本词汇的地理分布现状与历史扩散的比对中表现得十分明显。从一组基本词“擦拭类词”的考察实例来看,其在现代汉语方言中的地理分布现状—黄河中下游西安、洛阳、郑州、济南等核心一带以“擦”为主导;长江中下游苏州、南京、杭州、合肥、武汉等核心一带以“揩”为主导;东南部出海口福州、厦门、海口等核心一带以“拭”为主导,而“抹”广泛分布于长江南北—反映了汉语词汇所潜在的四种基本地理分布类型:黄河中下游型、长江中下游型、东南沿海型、江河遍布型,这四种类型的形成与历史上北人南迁三次大的潮流紧密相关,北人南迁在汉语基本词汇地理分布类型的形成上具有决定性作用。 The diffusion and distribution of language are closely related to the migration of the population. In Chinese terms, the southward movement of Beiren is an important factor in the diffusion of Chinese from north to south and the formation of dialects and language levels. The process is characterized by the geographical distribution of the basic terms and the historical spread Comparison of the performance was very obvious. From a group of basic examples of “wiping off words”, the present situation of geographical distribution in modern Chinese dialects is dominated by “rubbing” in the core areas of Xi’an, Luoyang, Zhengzhou and Jinan in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River ; In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Suzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei and Wuhan are dominated by “揩”; in the southeastern part of the country, such as Fuzhou, Xiamen and Haikou are dominated by “wiping” Widely distributed in the north and south of the Yangtze River - reflect the four basic types of potential geographical distribution of the Chinese vocabulary: the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the southeast coast, the river is widespread, these four types of formation and history of North People are closely related to the three major trends of south migration. The south migration of Beiren people plays a decisive role in the formation of the basic types of geographical distribution of Chinese words.
本文对乙醛酸应用于猪皮浸酸过程中及乙醛酸与胶原在不同pH值下的结合作用进行了研究 ,并由此得出了乙醛酸改性皮胶原的最佳作用条件。