
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jht20007
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Aims: To assess the long term functional and structural outcomes of premature babies who received diode laser photocoagulation for threshold retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods: 25 patients (43 eyes) treated with laser were recalled for assessment at a mean follow up of 11 years. A further seven patients (14 eyes) with subthreshold ROP, which had regressed spontaneously without laser treatment, were also examined. All children underwent distance acuity, near acuity, contrast sensitivity (CS), and colour vision assessments followed by a dilated fundal examination and cycloplegic autorefraction. Results: The laser treated eyes had a mean distance visual acuity of 0.37 logMAR, a mean near visual acuity of 0.39 logMAR, a mean contrast sensitivity of 1.49 log CS units, and a mean spherical equivalent of-2.10 D. An unfavourable distance visual acuity outcome occurred in five eyes (13.5%). An unfavourable near visual acuity outcome was also noted in the five eyes (13.5%) with poor distance visual outcome. 7%had an unfavourable structural outcome. On comparison with the control group, there was no significant difference in near acuity, CS, refraction, or colour vision between the two groups. However, there was a statistically significant difference in terms of distance visual acuity (p=0.03). Conclusions: Laser treated eyes with favourable structural outcome have a good visual outcome. The results show a long term benefit from diode laser photocoagulation in preserving distance and near vision in eyes with threshold ROP. Aims: To assess the long term functional and structural outcomes of premature babies who received diode laser photocoagulation for threshold retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods: 25 patients (43 eyes) treated with laser were recalled for assessment at a mean follow up of 11 years. A further seven patients (14 eyes) with subthreshold ROP, which had regressed spontaneously without laser treatment, were also examined. All children underwent distance acuity, near acuity, contrast sensitivity (CS), and color vision assessments followed by a dilated fundal Examination and cycloplegic autorefraction. Results: The laser treated eyes had a mean distance visual acuity of 0.37 logMAR, a mean near visual acuity of 0.39 logMAR, a mean contrast sensitivity of 1.49 log CS units, and a mean spherical equivalent of-2.10 D. An unfavorable distance visual acuity in occurred in five eyes (13.5%). An unfavorablerable near visual acuity outcome was also noted in the five eyes (13.5%) with poor dista On contrast with the control group, there was no significant difference in near acuity, CS, refraction, or color vision between the two groups. However, there was a poorly identifiable difference in terms of distance visual acuity (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Laser treated eyes with favourable structural outcome have a good visual outcome. The results show a long term benefit from diode laser photocoagulation in preserving distance and near vision in eyes with threshold ROP.
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of treatment with conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) or with CEE combined with progestin (CEE6 +P) on age-related macul
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