英德学校 当代教育的一朵奇葩

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英德学校建于1998年5月,是一所集小学、初中、高中和高中补习为一体,涵盖基础教育全过程的全日制、寄宿制、封闭式准军事化管理民办学校。占地面积50亩,建筑面积2万平方米。目前,在校生2278名,教职工221人,一支德才兼备的教职工团队时刻为学生服务着,并培养出一届又一届的优秀学生。2014年高考参加202名学生,一本上线13人,二本27人,三本33人,专科121人,总上线率96%,中考双塔籍的中考学生有52人,其中有19人达到了市一、二高的录取分数线。开学初,董事会成员进行了工作调整,作为一名新担任总校校长的张玉秋来说,为适应学校的快速发展,虚心向经验丰富的董事长于萍和各部门的校长学习,学习好的经验及一些有效的管 Founded in May 1998, Anglo-German School is a full-time, boarding and closed-end paramilitary management private school that integrates primary school, middle school, high school and high school tutoring, covering the whole process of basic education. Covers an area of ​​50 mu, building area of ​​20,000 square meters. Currently, 2278 students, 221 faculty members, a team of teachers with both ability and political integrity always serve the students, and cultivate a series of outstanding students. In 2014 college entrance examination to participate in 202 students, one on the line 13, two 27 people, three 33 people, college 121, the total on-line rate of 96%, senior high school entrance examination students in 52, of which 19 people reached The city one, two high admission score. At the beginning of the school year, members of the Board made adjustments to their work. As a newly appointed Principal Zhang Yuqiu, in order to adapt to the rapid development of the school, he humbly learned from the experienced Chairman Yu Ping and principals from various departments, Some effective tube
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