开展课外科技活动 提高职中学生素质

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目前,职中学生的整体素质普遍较低,这就要求按照职业教育的特点,大力开展课外科技活动.在活动中,侧重培养学生的科学素质.并渗透思想教育,注重非智力因素的开发,继而促进所学知识的巩固,智力的发展和能力的培养,从而达到提高整体素质的目的.职业中学怎样开展课外科技活动呢?在充分认识其重要性的前提下,必须解决以下两个问题:第一要全面、正确地理解,科技活动不仅指新课题的实验和研究,还包括科技成果的推广.只有正确地理解了它的内涵,才能消除学生对科技活动高不可攀的心理压力,树立搞科学实验的自信心.第二要土洋结合,因陋就简,创造条件开展科技活动.那种等待一切条件就绪再开展活动的想法是不切合实际的,对素质的 At present, the overall quality of secondary and secondary vocational school students is generally low, which requires vigorously carrying out extra-curricular science and technology activities in accordance with the characteristics of vocational education. In the activity, the emphasis is placed on cultivating the students’ scientific qualifications, infiltrating ideological education and focusing on the development of non-intellectual factors. Promote the consolidation of intellectual knowledge, the development of intelligence and the ability to cultivate, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the overall quality.How do vocational secondary schools carry out extracurricular scientific and technological activities? To fully understand the importance of the premise, we must solve the following two problems: First, we must comprehensively and correctly understand that science and technology activities not only refer to experiment and research on new topics, but also include the promotion of scientific and technological achievements. Only when we correctly understand its connotation can we eliminate the psychological pressure that students are overwhelmed by science and technology activities and establish a Scientific experiment self-confidence .Second, the combination of earth and land, due to humble, create conditions for science and technology activities .Wait waiting for all conditions ready and then carry out activities of the idea is impractical, the quality
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