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在英语教学中要实现“主体”与“主导”的有机统一,让学生敢于自学、乐于自学、善于自学,有目的地培养学生自主学习的能力。一、营造氛围,树立信心,让学生敢于自学小学英语教学首先要营造宽松、和谐的氛围,帮助学生树立成功的自信心,培养良好的学习习惯,这样学生尤其是一些学困生自然而然会在宽松、和谐的氛围中敢于自学。如,我经常会在上课时为学生讲解几分钟的欧美文化、风俗习惯、名胜古迹、名人趣事或请学生唱上一首优美的英语歌曲、聆听一个有趣的英语 In the English teaching, we should realize the organic unity of “subject” and “dominant” so that students dare to self-study, be willing to learn by themselves, be good at self-study, and purposefully cultivate students’ ability to learn independently. First, to create atmosphere and build confidence, so that students dare to teach primary English teaching First of all we must create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere to help students establish a successful self-confidence and develop good learning habits, so that students, especially those who are poor students will naturally be relaxed In a harmonious atmosphere dare to self-study. For example, I often teach students a few minutes of class culture, customs, places of interest, famous celebrities or students to sing a beautiful English song and listen to a funny English