勒内·夏尔(René Char,1907—1988)是法国二十世纪最负盛名的诗人之一。他的诗被译成英、日、德、俄等二十多种文字广为传播。在法国大学教材和中学课本上都可读到他的诗篇。1983年,著名的加里玛出版社(Les éditions Gallimard)出版了《勒内·夏尔全集》,纳入“七星书库”。 夏尔出生法国南方沃克吕兹省的索尔格河畔。1930年到巴黎参加超现实主义运动,与布勒东和艾吕雅合出了诗集《减速,前面施工》;1934年出版第一部诗集《无主之锤》(Le Marteau Sans Maitre)展示了他拒绝理性干涉、自动记录的超现实主义艺术特色。1935年,他逐渐脱离超现实主义集团。1939年二次大战爆发,他积极投身于抗击纳粹德国侵略的战斗,在反法西斯抵抗运动中担任游击队长,《伊普诺斯之页》(Feuillets d’Hypnos)就是这一时期战斗经历的抒写。战后,他又致力于“简练艺术”,发表了大量诗集,主要有《狂怒与神秘》(Fureur et Mystère,1948),《早起者》(Les Matinaux,1950),《群岛的语言》(La Parole en Archipel),《遗失的裸体》(Le Nu Perdu,1971),《底基与顶点的探索》(Recherche de la Base et du Sommet,1955)等。 夏尔的诗语言极其简练。有时一首诗就是一句话,一行诗只有一个字,所以有很大一部分诗读起来象某种格言或警句。简
René Char (1907-1988) is one of France’s most prestigious poets in the twentieth century. His poems were translated into English, Japanese, German, Russian and more than 20 kinds of text widely disseminated. His poems can be read both in French university textbooks and in high school textbooks. In 1983, the famous Les éditions Gallimard published “The Complete Works of René Shéré”, included in the “Seven Star Bookstore.” Charles was born on the banks of the Sorgue in Vaucluse, southern France. In 1930 to Paris to participate in the surrealist movement, and Brendan and Eliya co-published a collection of poetry “slow down in front of construction”; published in 1934 the first poem “Le Marteau Sans Maitre” shows that he refused Rational intervention, automatic recording of surrealist artistic features. In 1935, he gradually separated from the surrealist group. The outbreak of World War II in 1939, he actively engaged in fighting against Nazi Germany aggression, guerrilla captains in the anti-fascist resistance movement, “Fehillets d’Hypnos” (Fehillets d’Hypnos) is the description of the fighting experience during this period . After the war, he devoted himself to “concise art” and published numerous poems, including Fureur et Mystère (1948), Les Matinaux (1950), La Parole en Archipel, Le Nu Perdu (1971), Recherche de la Base et du Sommet (1955) and others. Charles’s poetry language is extremely concise. Sometimes a poem is a sentence, a poem is only one word, so a large part of the poem reads like a motto or aphorism. simple