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Objective To explore He- Ne laser inducing apoptosis of cultured fibroblasts in hypertrophic scars(HS).Methods Cultured fibroblasts in HS were irradiated with He- Ne laser. Apoptosis was examined by TUNEL technique and cell necrosis was counted by trypan blue staining. Results There was no cell apoptosis after repeated irradiation with 10mW/cm2 and 50mW/cm2 for 10 and 30 minutes. The percent of apoptosis was 7.20% and 12.73% after repeated irradiation with 100mW/cm2 for 10 and 30 minutes. The percent of apoptosis was 14.74% and 16.27% after laser irradiation with 150mW/cm2 for 10 and 30 minutes.No necrotic cell was presented after repeated irradiation for 10 and 30 minutes at various power densities. Conclusion Repeated He- Ne irradiation of HS- derived fibroblast cultures at power densities of 100mW/cm2 and 150 mW/cm2 can induce cell apoptosis. Power density is more important than energy density so far as laser- inducing apoptosis of scar fibroblasts concerned.
Background: Ultrasound cardiogram plays an important role in evaluating cardiac function of patients with coronary heart disease before and after rehabilitation
介绍脑外伤后遗症 (PTA)的遗忘的发生、表现的类型以及持续时间等方面的基本特征 , 从精神心理的角度较为深入地研讨这种记忆障碍的内在机制 , 并从脑外伤康复的临床实践出发
人工全髋关节置换术可以解除患者髋部疼痛 , 改善髋关节功能 [1]. 自 1985年以来共实施人工全髋关节置换术 248 例 , 并应用有针对性的康复训练 , 经 2~ 10年随访疗效满意 . r
脊柱结核是一种常见病 , 但因种种原因误诊误治时有发生 . 现将我科近年收治 3例脊柱结核误诊误治原因分析 , 报道如下 . rn
自 2000年 1月~ 2001年 5月应用 MED- II椎间盘镜手术系统对 60例 78个间隙腰椎间盘突出症进行了腰椎间盘摘除术 , 手术前后及出院前对患者实施了康复指导 . rn1 对象与方法 r
1 对象与方法 rn本组 22例病人全部为屈指肌腱损伤 , 其中男 15例 , 女 7例 , 年龄 13~ 56岁 , 拇指 3例 , 食指 7例 , 中指 6例 , 环指 3例 , 小指 3例 , 新鲜损伤期修复 10
1994年以来 , 经采用推拿疗法为主结合颈部运动疗法治疗颈椎病 , 并与单纯牵引疗法治疗该病进行对比 , 效果理想 , 现报道如下 . rn1 对象与方法 rn172例患者中男 117例 , 女
1 对象与方法 rn本组 144例 , 男 94例 , 女 50例 . 年龄 13~ 72岁 , 平均 35岁 . 车祸伤 104例 , 砸伤 29例 , 挤压伤 11例 . 骨折部位在股骨中段 38例 , 股骨下段 26例 , 髌
髌骨骨折后行钢针张力带固定术 , 骨折部位固定可靠 , 能够早期功能锻炼 , 便于膝关节及股四头肌功能恢复 . 在康复护理中 , 通过督促病人主动锻炼 , 协助其被动功能锻炼、按
Objective To discuss the treatment effects of medorba, bromocriptine and Chinese prescription on patients with persistent vegetative states. Methods To choose 3