牛××,女,24a。患者产后2mo 余,自觉右侧乳房肿痛发硬,伴恶寒发热,头痛,全身酸楚,烦热口渴,於1990年10月14日就诊。检查:T39.5℃。患者一般情况可,右乳房乳头周围及外上方焮热红肿,触痛,有不规则硬块,硬块中心无波动感;无鼻塞流涕外感症状,出汗较多,舌质降,苔黄厚,脉数而有力。此为血热之毒壅滞乳络,气血凝滞不通而发为乳痈。治宜清热解毒,活血通经。组方:蒲公英
Cow × ×, female, 24a. More than 2 months after delivery, the patient felt conscious of swelling and pain in the right breast, accompanied by chills, fever, headache, a sour body, and anxiousness and thirst. He was referred on October 14, 1990. Check: T39.5°C. The general condition of the patient is that the right and left upper breast nipples are hot and swollen around the outside of the nipple and are tender. There are irregular lumps and no lumps of lumps in the center of the lumps. There are no symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose. There is more sweating, the tongue is down, and the moss is thick. Pulses are powerful. This is a blood-threatening, poisonous, stasis-inducing milk network, in which the blood stagnates and becomes milky. Expelling heat detoxification, promoting blood circulation through. Group leader: Dandelion