Clinical Analysis of Steroid Glaucoma

来源 :眼科学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjsxyxjc
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Purpose:The authors accumulated 15 cases (26 eyes) of steroid glaucoma due to topical administration of dexamethasone or prednisolone.Methods: From 1970 to 1990,26 eyes in 15 cases were observed (bilateral 11 cases,unilateral 4 cases) including 12 right eyes and 14 left eyes. 10 cases were male and 5 cases female with age ranging from 14 to 52 years averaging 28 years. 25 eyes had the manifestation of chronic open angle glaucoma in the clinical course, and 1 eye simulated an acute glaucoma attack.Results: All patients had taken antiglaucoma medication before coming to our hospital,but the IOP was over 6. 7 kPa in 9 eyes. The C/D ratio was equal to or over 0. 6 in 9 cases (16 eyes),and the values were inconsistent between both eyes in 55% of the patients. Treatment for glaucoma was immediate discontinuation of the steroids with antiglaucoma medication if necessary. Three eyes received filtering operations and 2 eyes had the removal of subconjunctival residual steroid. Normal IOP was restored in months up Purpose: The authors accumulated 15 cases (26 eyes) of steroid glaucoma due to topical administration of dexamethasone or prednisolone. Methods: From 1970 to 1990, 26 eyes in 15 cases were observed (bilateral 11 cases, unilateral 4 cases) including 12 right eyes and 14 left eyes. 10 cases were male and 5 cases female with age ranging from 14 to 52 years averaging 28 years. 25 eyes had the manifestation of chronic open angle glaucoma in the clinical course, and 1 eye simulated an acute glaucoma attack. Results All patients had taken antiglaucoma medication before coming to our hospital, but the IOP was over 6. 7 kPa in 9 eyes. The C / D ratio was equal to or over 0. 6 in 9 cases (16 eyes), and the values were inconsistent between both eyes in 55% of the patients. Treatment for glaucoma was immediate discontinuation of the steroids with antiglaucoma medication if necessary. Three eyes received filtering operations and 2 eyes had the removal of subconjunctival residual steroid. tored in months up
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