A Special Lunar New Year in My Memory

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IT was 20 years ago. When firecrackers started popping in the village on the eve of the New Year, many families prepared to worship Buddha. Our family was no exception. Father was ill and hospitalized in a remote town. Mother cleaned the old-fashioned square table carefully, and placed it in the courtyard. She put 12 small wine cups on the table and filled each one halfway with wine. Then she arranged chicken, pork and fish at the center of IT was 20 years ago. When firecrackers started popping in the village on the eve of the New Year, many families prepared to worship Buddha. Our family was no exception. Father was ill and hospitalized in a remote town. Mother cleaned the old-fashioned Square table carefully, and placed it in the courtyard. She put 12 small wine cups on the table and filled each one halfway with wine. Then she sorted chicken, pork and fish at the center of
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