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[故事话题]请仔细阅读下面这段文字,根据情节发展的需要,展开大胆合理的想象,做600字左右的续写。15岁的王强是个孤儿,年幼时父母双亡。在那个偏远、贫瘠的小山村里,是爷爷和好心的乡亲们把他拉扯大的。前几天,王强唯一的亲人——爷爷因病离他而去。不过爷爷在去世前告诉了王强一个惊人的秘密:在村后那座最高山的山顶上,藏有一个藏宝图。爷爷说,找到那张藏宝图,王强的命运将会是另外一番天地…… [Story Topics] Please read the following paragraph carefully. According to the needs of the development of the plot, start a bold and reasonable imagination, and write about 600 words. The 15-year-old Wang Qiang was an orphan and his parents died when he was young. In that remote, barren hill village, Grandpa and kind folks pulled him big. A few days ago, Wang Qiang’s only relative, Grandpa, left because of illness. However, before his death, Grandpa told Wang Qiang an astonishing secret: There is a treasure map on the top of the mountain behind the village. Grandpa said that finding the treasure map, the fate of Wang Qiang will be another world......
赫尔姆斯—伯顿法和达马托法——这两项以三名美国议员命名的美国法案,在全世界的新闻媒体上沸沸扬扬地频频出现,已经两年有余了!如今,这两个名词快要成为“历史名词” Hel
Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams,trees and lots of little animals,scurrying about enjoying their l
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一“长头发放了下来/跟着你手的节拍/我的温柔在你指尖/散了开长头发……” A “long hair down / beat your hand / my tenderness at your fingertips / spread long hair
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今年9月4日,我——一个普通的中学生,坐在上海音乐厅里,聆听匈牙利总理的开幕词,享受着“来自李斯特故乡的问候交响音乐会”的盛宴。 On September 4th this year, I, an or