自主创新 结构调整 加快产业升级——《化纤工业“十一五”发展指导意见》解读

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我国是世界上最大的化纤生产国,作为纺织工业的重要组成部分,化学纤维已占纺织纤维加工量的近三分之二,化纤工业的发展直接影响到我国纺织工业发展的整体水平和竞争能力。“十五”期间我国化纤工业取得了巨大成就,但同时,化纤工业发展中还存在着自主创新能力不强,资源约束矛盾日益明显,行业同构性产能增速过快,可持续发展能力较弱等问题,亟待在“十一五”期间予以解决。《化纤工业“十一五”发展指导意见》中指出了“十一五”期间我国化纤工业的发展目标和发展重点。到2010年,化纤产量预期达到2350万吨,产业、产品结构更加合理。“十一五”期间将大力发展高新技术纤维、生物质纤维以及差别化纤维,加快产品结构调整,优化产业区域布局,加快重点技术装备国产化进程,推进行业循环经济发展,积极推进企业重组。 China is the largest producer of chemical fiber in the world. As an important part of the textile industry, chemical fibers have accounted for nearly two-thirds of the total processing volume of textile fibers. The development of the chemical fiber industry has a direct impact on the overall level and competitiveness of China’s textile industry . During the 10th Five-Year Plan period, China’s chemical fiber industry has made great achievements. However, at the same time, there is still a weak capability of independent innovation in the development of the chemical fiber industry. Contradictions in resource constraints have become increasingly apparent. The capacity growth rate of the industry isomorphism is so high that the capacity for sustainable development Weak and other issues, it is urgent to be resolved during the “Eleventh Five-Year” period. “Chemical fiber industry,” Eleventh Five-Year “Guiding Opinions” pointed out during the “Eleventh Five-Year” period China’s chemical fiber industry development goals and development priorities. By 2010, chemical fiber production is expected to reach 23.5 million tons, industry, product mix more reasonable. During the 11th Five-Year Plan, high-tech fibers, biomass fibers and differentiated fibers will be vigorously developed to speed up product mix adjustment, optimize the layout of industrial regions, accelerate the localization of key technology and equipment, promote the development of circular economy in the industry, and actively promote the reorganization of enterprises.
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