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进入高三,气氛骤然变得紧张起来。高考的压力使许多教师对开展教育教学的科研活动心存疑虑。其实,高考与教科研活动开展,两者之间并不存在必然的矛盾冲突。尽管学生使用的教材仍为旧版本,教师在高三教学中也应 In the third year, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. The pressure of the college entrance examination has caused many teachers to be skeptical of scientific research activities in education and teaching. In fact, there is no inevitable contradiction between the college entrance examination and the teaching and research activities. Although the textbooks used by students are still old versions, teachers should also be teaching
一群事业体只要使用同一店号、商标、企业识别标志,并以共同的经营模式来经营管理,不论它是否为同一法律主体,均可称为连锁企业。 翻开世界各国连锁经营的历史,不难看出,连
Big Ben Big Ben was built in 1858. It is the bell that chimes (钟敲响 ) the hours in the Clock Tower of the British Houses of Parliament (议会), Londa, and is s
There are many things I can do,  All by myself;  I can comb my hair and lace my shoe  All by myself;  I can wash my hands and wash my face  All by myself;  I can put my toys and blocks in the place  A
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儿童天真烂漫,惹人喜爱,有人喜欢他们的乖巧,也有人喜欢他们的顽皮,但顽皮的孩子经常会惹事生非,让大人整日提心吊胆。文中的两个小女孩就让她们的姑姑体验了一次 Children
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