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我的行囊里没有宝石和财富,我只会带着好心情上路。停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然。“期考”下来,我的心情糟透了,当老师从高分 There are no gems or wealth in my bag, I will only take the road with a good mood. You can’t eat at the end of a cup, but you can’t take it for granted. “Interview” down, my mood is awful, when the teacher from the high score
As the students entered the lunch line at a the-ological seminary(神学院),they were greeted by a sign over a bowl of oranges that read:“Take only one orange.
美国一个由研究人员组成的小组对全国120名顶尖艺术家、运动员和学者进行了为期5年的研究表明,是动力和决心,而不是杰出的天才使这些人获得了非同寻常的成功。 A five-year
you are dancing in the night,ttttt如果你在夜里跳舞,tFind your partner and hold on tight.tttt找到你的伙伴,紧紧地抱住。Gently swing your partner around,ttttt轻轻地使
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What caused Earth’s biggest extinction﹖ The answer may lie in tiny buckyballs1 filled with extraterrestrial gas2.ttttIt occurred in a blink of an eye — geologic
In the central African nation of Rwanda,hostilities between the two main ethnicgroups, the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minori-ty, boiled over in April. In the
The Dixie Chicks’ rise to stardom over the past twoyears has been like a gargantuan force of nature. Notonly has the trio’ s debut, Wide Open Spaces, sold si
A man walked home after having been out drinking.He walked down the middle of a deserted country road.There were no street lights to illuminate the road andthe